Complaints: Severe right shoulder pain for 3-4 weeks. Hands joint pain for 3-4 years from a life-long tool working as a profession. The pains were constant. He still had numbness in left leg after lumbar surgery 10 years ago, relieving much of the low back pain.
Acupuncture: Right-side yang horary points in Wood-Order of GB44, SI2, ST43, LI5, and UB40 (ST36 is as good).
Treatment process: The patient had 6 acupuncture treatments so far. The first treatment in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66, GB41, SI5, and ST36 did not produce any relief. A switch to Wood-Order at the second visit resulted in an immediate relief of pain and increased range of motion. After the 3rd treatment, the hands and low back pain/sciatica also began to be better. The relief was clearly noticeable weekly in intensity, frequency, and duration, even with the continuation of his physical work.
Discussion: The purpose of medicine is to enhance the quality of our lives so that we can continue the pursuit of purpose and meaning of life through work and play.