The last 4/5 years I have been on a self-healing journey to try to get to the bottom of this rare condition and find ways to improve my quality of life. Have experimented with the following: different diets (paleo, to alkaline diets, to anti-inflammatory to low sugar and low carb); ozone therapy; biomat far-infrared; rife machine; kinesiology; lymph drainage. Had my worst year ever in 2015 when joints and skin became so inflamed I was bed-bound for months and in pain daily for at least a year. The calcium grew so aggressively that it’s impaired my function in my right hand so badly that I can’t bend or straighten my fingers.
Since then am doing MUCH better and am healthiest I have been in years due to treating parasites such as Lyme disease, babesia, biofilms and also heavy metals. My energy is a hundred times better, calcium deposits have stopped growing and in some places diminished, circulation is improving, the skin is glowing, inflammation of joints is normal and I have no pain. I am by no means cured but am certainly vastly improved from how I was and I believe my body will continue to heal further. I used a rife machine and very specific supplements to treat the parasites.
I am now 31 and for the first time in years feel hopeful about my future and being able to manage this condition. I can say that I love my life and my quality of life Is good. This process has certainly made me a stronger and more appreciative of the simple things.
I do believe that the parasites were my main trigger for this disease. My stress levels are manageable now as I have found a career in life and health coaching where my time is flexible and my energy levels are managed. It’s still very much a work in progress and a daily balancing act of managing my diet, sleep patterns, stress, self-care regime, medications, etc. I’m still taking the Lyme disease treatment and I am still on methotrexate, colchicine, primaquine to keep my symptoms at bay while I still address the underlying causes. I take fish oil supplements, vitamin D, probiotics, MSM powder, biotin, and a good multivitamin. For me, it’s a balance of western and alternative together.