Complaints: Left side of upper rib cage tenderness still present after mastectomy 5 years ago. Daily pain in the left knee due to tear in meniscus. Pain in both knees is aggravated with standing all day at work. Mentally stressed due to a strained family relationship.
Acupuncture: Left-side yin horary points in Wood-Order of LR1, HT8, SP3, LU8, and KD10 plus local Heding and Xiyan.
Treatment Process: The patient had 9 acupuncture treatments so far at twice a week visit. After the first treatment, the patient noticed an immediate relief which was still better into the following visit. The pains continued to improve on a weekly basis in intensity, frequency, and duration. The knees were less painful even with standing all day and recovered well with rest. She was able to sleep on her left side, which was difficult since the surgery 5 years ago. Lastly, she had a higher sense of well-being and felt mentally clearer.
Discussion: Acupuncture helps to enhance the quality of mind and body to be more efficient throughout the day and for sleep better at night.