Ayurveda pathogenesis-
Diagnosis- Pitta Pradhan Raktatisar.
Hetu- P prakop due to late night work, excessive pickles in diet, green leafy vegetables, green chilly. No milk and ghee consumption. Long sitting causing VP gud prakop. Alcohol and smoking.
-Correction of diet and schedules as per Pitta dosha.
-Use of internal medications like Gandak rasayana, Mahatiktaka Ghrita, Bolbadha
ras, Kutaj awaleh for a period of 3 months in a 15 days followup.
-Use of Tikta ksheer basti PANCHAKARMA (15 days -Kal basti krama) after 3
months to avoid recurrence.
– Followup medicines after Basti- Mahatiktaka Ghrita and pancha tikta Ghrita
guggul for 2 months.
-Immediate relief from bleeding of pus in stool with ease in defecation. Use of
suppository only four times in 15 days.
-Next 15 days- No use of supporters at all. 80% relief in symptoms.
– Percentage of relief increased whole the treatment progressed.
– Digestion improved after Tikta ksheer basti. Stool begin to become normal in
consistency and color.
– Patient completely happy and stable after 6 months of treatment.
– Its been two years now and no recurrence reported by patient during yearly