Therapy Suggested: Therapeutic Massage Therapy, Reiki energy work, Chi lel qi gong, herbal preparations,
nutrition therapy and vitamin supplementation. Patient was recommended to use a salve made of burdock, chaparral, red clover and beeswax to massage the abdominal area. Bindweed tincture was suggested because of its anti-tumor properties. Milk Thistle, Selenium, Vitamin C, Turmeric and K were included in her daily regimen because of their anti-oxidant properties. There is enough evidence about selenium and milk thistle.
Dietary Recommendations: Elimination of dairy products, junk and processed foods. Patient was advised to stop consuming carbonated drinks with high sugar content because cancer cells feed off the sugar. Patient was recommended to include soy based foods, add more protein, omega 3 foods, berries, grapes, green vegetables, beans, quinoa and cocoa fruit in her diet because of their powerful anti-oxidant properties.
Lifestyle Changes: Smoking cessation, and elimination of alcohol from diet. Patient was encouraged to rest more and to participate in meditation exercises as well as a
management program.
Management & Outcome: Physical exam was conducted as well as a blood test, MRI, and Tomography Scan. After six months of using herbal preparations and bindweed tincture there
was a significant reduction in tumor growth. Astralgus was added to her health protocol to clear up any residual effects of HPV. By the time patient was diagnosed with ovarian cancer she was already in the third stage where the cancer had begun spreading to her lymph nodes and groin area. Although significant progress had been made she was recommended to take mulberry mistletoe (Tincture). Research has proven that cancer patients who were placed on mulberry mistletoe had a higher survival rate than those who were not.
Type Of Outcome: After a year of holistic treatment the patient is in remission and her hair has grown back. From a scale of 1-10, she started off feeling about a 3 and now feels like a good 8.5.