Digestive issues are prevalent in patients with migraine. Research suggests that approximately half of the patients with migraines have reflux symptoms, and 22 percent have
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Digestion is the key to maintaining good health based on Ayurvedic teachings. The gut and the brain are connected. From an Ayurvedic perspective, GERD can result from an excessive quantity of pitta heat, or inflammation, from the gastrointestinal tract. Ayurvedic professionals may recommend diets based on the qualities of each dosha.
Modifying diets based on food intolerances and
allergies can decrease migraine occurrence too. 75% of migraine sufferers are allergic to at least five foods.
Migraines can be brought on by a Pitta-Vata imbalance. The imbalance in the
Pitta dosha manifests as a searing, burning, sharp pain. This pain can be accompanied by visual sensations and light sensitivity that can be exacerbated by heat. Migraines may be triggered by eye-strain. Causes include digestive imbalances and the accumulation of digestive radicals.
For migraines, the trick is to stick to the diet and
lifestyle that will pacify the predominant dosha that is causing your headache. For migraines, choose a Pitta-Pacifying diet the vast majority of the year, so adding more bitter, sweet, and astringent foods and avoiding acidic, pungent, salty, and sour foods.
Since imbalanced digestion is at the origin of the majority of headaches, it’s sensible to eat lighter foods for the first two or three weeks. Gradually add heavier foods that are considered balancing out of the dosha-pacifying diet. Favor whole, freshly-cooked, organic foods that are served hot and are easy to digest. Ordinarily, a Lacto-vegetarian diet is recommended, with moderate dairy Products, legumes, nuts, and seeds. It is a good idea to eat your main meal at Noon once the digestive forces are the most powerful, and eat lighter at dinner and breakfast.