Ayurveda treatment for Migraine relief
Samprapti Ghataka– Dosha: Vata-pitta
Dushya: Ras, rakta Srotas: Ras vaha, rakta vaha, anna vaha, mano vaha Adhishthan: Shir
Nidana: Unwholesome diet and routine, psychological factors, weak digestion, etc.
Chikitsa Sutra
• Nidana parivarjan – Avoidance of things in diet and routine that help in the progression of the disease
• Shaman Chikitsa – Pitta-Vata shaman, sroto shodhan, vedna shaman, rasayan
• Shodhan Chikitsa – Some effective and easy to implement methods are discussed to do at home
Specific Advice:
Pathya: Patient was advised to take fumes of roasted ajwain seeds, drink filtered ajwain water soaked overnight, application of paste of ajwain and honey on forehead. Drink lukewarm water. Practice yoga-pranayam regularly, application of ghee in nostrils etc.
Apathya: Avoid fried, oily, spicy, acidic, sour food, dahi, baingan, urad dal, rajama chhole, salty, excess sweet things, fast foods, white flour products etc. and exposure to sun for long time. Over thinking, stress, anger etc should be managed properly to minimize migraine bouts.
Modifications/Changes made in prescription during course, below changed medicines were given as per patient’s feedback:
In June 2016
All previous medicines were repeated while massage oil was advised.
In July 2016
Nari sakhi capsule was included in products. Rest of medicines were continued without change.
In Aug 2016
Same medicines were repeated.
In Oct 2016
As per patient’s feedback migraine was cured, so she began consultation for Gluten allergy problem. Below prescription was given for gluten allergy.
The patient responded positively to the treatment for her old complications. In between she discontinued the medicines because of heaviness, bloating, unsatisfactory bowel movements, weight gain issues, and a feeling of bloating that she did not experience earlier. Although she reported good improvement in migraine headaches, the frequency of recurrence also diminished significantly. Her appetite & sleep got better and the burning sensation in her throat due to gas also decreased. She shared her concern about weight increase so she was advised to follow suggested diet and lifestyle routine also her medicines were changed.
Patient-reported complete recovery in migraine. She did not take any painkillers since she began taking Jiva medicines. Other associated symptoms like nausea, bloating, uneasiness were also not present for long. She responded well even with a gluten allergy problem. Medicine Combinations kept changing according to feedback to provide her faster recovery. In Oct 2016 patient reported complete relief in all her problems.