9 month old baby boy, Jake had so many symptoms that included: eczema, asthma, food allergies and apraxia of speech – an uncommon condition in which the brain has problems in coordination and the patient cannot form words and sounds properly. It all started when he was a baby. As a three month old baby, Jake was prescribed a steroid eczema cream. He started getting food allergies at 9 months old. This led to allergy tests which revealed that he was allergic to seven common foods.According to his mom, “It was like walking in a minefield,”. his mom suspected that his eczema and allergies were connected but that only led to expensive medications and creams (one labeled with a cancer-risk warning) prescribed by an allergist. Before his consultation, Jake’s “healing” protocol that entailed bleach baths followed by application of steroid cream on his affected areas of eczema. We also recommended to wrap the affected areas with plastic at bedtime for little Jake.