We Started treatment and patient got significant relief in his chest pain, dyslipidemia, anxiety, etc. Within two months but treatment continued regularly for almost one year and after that Pathya (Ayurvedic scientific diet) continued and also gave him off and on treatment for dyslipidemia and his other problems such as lower back pain and numbness.
The patient has been feeling absolutely fine and now almost symptom-free since last 3 years and without any western drug for a heart problem.
So just to check the status of his heart blockage. He went for fresh angiography on 26.06.2019 and you will be astonished to see the positive outcome of his Ayurvedic treatment with a significant reduction in plaque and normal cardiac functions with LVEF 61% and total coronary Calcium Score is 42.2. During the entire treatment only 2 to 3 Ayurvedic medicines were used at a time.
Treatment Protocol: Pachna, Lekhana, and Anulomna
Medicines had been chosen and changed from time to time accordingly as per state and stage.