Vaginal discharge, Leucorrhoea can be effectively treated with homeopathic medicines and this way of treating is called a constitutional approach. The difference in color or consistency of the vaginal discharge must be treated immediately to avoid any complications in the future.
Leucorrhoea and Homeopathic Management.1 Homeopathy not just focus on the condition as a local affection but it takes into consideration of the deeper roots in the patient’s system. Homeopathic medicines will consider the acute symptoms and provide treatment to cure as well as prevent the recurrence of the infection.
Medication prescribed by us
We prescribed Sepia 30, Calcarea Phos 6x, and Phytum 30.
Sepia 30 – Sepia is obtained from the ink bag of the cuttlefish. The medicine is prepared by collecting the liquid and making it go through the triturating process to be used as homeopathic medicine. Its potency varies from 30 to 1M and is prescribed based on the severity of each case. Exercise caution when on high potency dosage and repeating several times is harmful.
First prescription:
Sepia 30
4 pills BD for 4 days
Calcarea phos 6x
4 tablets TDS for 2 weeks
Phytum 30
4 pills TDS for 2 weeks
Advise: USG Whole abdomen
Back pain: slightly better
Leucorrhoea no improvement
USG: normal
Calcarea phos 6x
4 tablets TDS for 2 weeks
Phytum 30
4 pills TDS for one week
Pain: better
No improvement in leucorrhoea
No other symptomatic improvement
Sepia LM2
OD for 2 weeks
Rubrum 30
4 pills TDS for 2 weeks
Leucorrhoea greatly improved
Back pain: mild
Menstrual cycle: 26 days
No pain during menstruation
Patient is less irritable now (as reported by her husband)
Sepia LM4
OD in morning for 15 days
Rubrum 300
4 pills TDS
only occasional back pain and leucorrhoea is last 2 months
Patient mentally feels better
No pain during menstruation, flow for 5 days, cycle 25 to 26 days
Constipation: occasional
Phytum LM6 for 1 month
Rubrum 300 4 pills TDS
Advice to maintain hygiene
Sepia homeopathic medicine uses
Homeopathic practitioners use Sepia for treating several health conditions including hair loss, freckles, gonorrhea, leucorrhea, kidney stones, etc. Mainly, sepia is known to effectively treat ailments related to female, compared to male. It treats ovarian cysts, premenstrual syndrome, and postpartum depression. It helps in correcting the hormonal imbalances. It is prescribed for easing conditions caused due to rectal issues. Also, Urticaria which is a skin complaint that gets aggravated in the open air and it can be treated with Sepia.
Sepia goes well with other homeopathic medicines including Phytum, Calcarea Phos, Rubrum, Natrum Mur, and Nux Vomica.
Summary and outcome
Sepia acted as a constitutional simillimum and the patient responded very well to it. Further, we advised her to continue treatment for a progressive improvement in health condition.