I treated the patient with the following oral medicines for two months
Medohar-vidangadi lauha: 2 tablets two times a day with water after food
Meditrim capsules: 2 capsules two times a day after food with water
Diet and lifestyle changes:
Avoid Carbohydrate rich diet (rich in refined sugar)
Avoid too much of oily food like deep fried food
Avoid processed food and food made up of all purpose flour (Maida)
Advised to exercise for at least 45 min every day
Advised to avoid stress as far as possible
Result after two months:
Repeat lipid profile was done in October 2018 shows:
LDL: 63.2 mg/dl
VLDL: 15.8 md/dl
Cholesterol/HDL ratio: 2.88
Changes in symptoms and signs: Since the patient didn’t have any symptoms in particular even in the first visit, patient was status quo.
Non-communicable diseases and lifestyle disorders are on the rise in the present scenario (Sedentary jobs, stress and wrong food habits). Ayurveda is a choice of medicine for such conditions without a second thought these days. In this regard, the present case study is a silver lining in the successful management of such chronic conditions.