This case has been worked out by The Homoeopathic therapeutics of diarrhoea by James B.Bell.Preliminary Data:Name: Mr.bAge: 40Children – 2Occupation: Name: Mr.bChief Complaints: GIT Since 10 Yrs Increased since 8 months, Fullness, Rumbling, Eructation,Pain2, Wants to go toilet3,Stools yellow, watery, Ineffectual urging for stool,< after food3, < milk, milk powder, warm food, >passing flatus,> after stool.< anxiety. < tension. Perspiration increased.PAST HISTORY:No significant history.FAMILY HISTORY:No significant history.PATIENT AS A PERSON:Appetite – no change.Craving – fish3, Sweets3Thirst – increasedPerspiration – on chest, non -offensive.Bowel – unsatisfactory, constipation alternate diarrhea.Bladder- 3-4 times/ day.Sleep – goodAddiction-alcohol, consumes 60-90 ml, 3-4 times in a week.Thermal – HotEmotions:Tension- due to his complaints Does not take responsibility.GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:Appearance – well built & nourished. Wt-78 kg. No pallor, jaundice, oedema, clubbing.SYSTEMIC EXAMINATIONRS AND CVS – NADABDOMEN – no organomegaly, no fluid thrill.Tenderness- left lower abdomen.PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSIS:Irritable bowel syndrome.