To take up the important and guiding features of this case we must compare several remedies, but principally Murex and Sepia.
The cutting pain in the uterus has been found under Curare.
Murex and Sepia, but Murex is the only one producing a cutting pain in the uterus going to the left mamma.
The “all-gone” empty feeling in the stomach is characteristic of Murex, Phosphorus and Sepia.
Throbbing in the uterus, belongs only to Murex.
The dragging down is common to both Murex and Sepia, but the sexual teasing only to Murex.
Both have a yellowish green leucorrhoea.
Pain in sacrum is common to Murex, Sepia and many others.
“Enlargement of bowels” is found in Allen under Murex, not mentioned in Minton’s Uterine Therapeutics.
The pains in Murex go upward and through, worse while lying down.
In Sepia the patient is better lying down, and the pains go around.
Murex 200, one dose was given.
She was much worse for several days. Then improvement went on for two weeks. The remedy was again repeated. One year later she complained of a return of her symptoms. One dose was followed by relief, since which time she has made no complaint, but praise the individualizing method.