MY CLINICAL CASE 17, RENAL FAILURE … PRESENTING COMPLAINT.. A male aged 73 yrs , complaints of both side renal calculi since 1yr , came to my clinic 20 days back, with no symptoms , but due to renal calculi taken ct scan, diagnosed as rt kidney necrosis, renal artery stenosis, with cyst on upper pole of rt kidney, and nonfunctional kidney…. Physical general … Sleep disturbed due to fear of disease, THIRST… THIRSTLESS, APPETITE – reduced … SWEAT- scanty… Urine – normal , stool – difficult little to pass,, mouth , foetid odour… PAST HISTORY… recurrent renal calculus, hypertension,, Family HISTORY… WIFE died before 5 yrs.. PERSONAL HISTORY , alcoholic , worked in military.. . MIND… LOQUACIOUS, dull , lazy , dominant on family members , beaten his son before 30 yrs , so he gone out from home , now returns back before 1yr , but now his son was criminal , done more wrong thing , so felt guilty of son’s behaviour , thinking that he was the reason for sons problem , worried a lot by wife death , anxiety of disease , irritable , fear of death,, consolation aggravation… Selection of remedy … ARNICA MONTANA 0/1 IN WATER DOSE FOR 20 DAYS… FOLLOW UP… ANXIETY reduced, sleep good , appetite improved, fear gone , Reason for selection.. chilly ,thirstless, ailments from grief , guilty sensation, rt side affection , artery stenosis , consolation aggravation, dominant, …. Thanks to Hahnemann , dare to be wise ,,, within 20 DAYS patient rt kidney became normal even though calculus is there , but size reduced …