Family history of eczema or related conditions: NoneFamily history of allergies including food allergy: NoneGestational history: Mother was on antibiotics and some other medications for gastritis throughout her pregnancy. Mother was a non-smoker and teetotaller and observed a healthy diet and lifestyle, generally. The stress level was medium.Diet: Breastmilk and formula milkOn any medications: NoneVital statusPulse: RegularChest: clearTemperature: WNLDigestion: NormalBowel movements: Regular, softBladder: NormalSleep: GoodKey abstractThe role of Ayurvedic external application treatments on childhood atopic eczema was studied and the effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatment principles with the administration of minimal internal medications to reduce the recurrence of eczematous episodes was considered in two children under the age of one. The aim was to understand the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatment for eczema against the application of hydrocortisone for such conditions in children and rate its success percentage.The children were treated to the daily application of Dineshavaliyadi Kera Tailam and Eladi Cream (product of Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala[KAVS]) for three months exclusively and then given Gopichandanadi Gulika [KAVS] for another three months subsequently with a weekly application of the external oil.Remission of lesions was seen in one month’s time with complete remission by three months. The inflammation had come down considerably and very little to no itching was reported/observed. Except for one or two dry patches which presented with mild occasional itching, the skin returned to normal. On observation, healed skin could be seen which was slightly lighter in color than the regular skin. This skin discoloration disappeared in a year’s time. Their case was followed up for the next year and reported a very mild outbreak of lesions in one child that was managed by the application of Eladi cream and the second child had no recurrence.The response was concluded to be successful without the administration of steroid creams.IntroductionChildhood atopic dermatitis or commonly referred to as infant/childhood eczema is a very common condition in children between the age of one to five years. It can be attributed to allergies, hyperactive and/or autoimmune response, and can have hereditary or familial factors. Patients present with multiple inflamed, raised, red lesions on the skin which are often itchy. This condition is non-contagious and self-limiting. In extreme conditions, there can be blistering and oozing. In this study, we considered non-oozing types of eczema.