Modifications/Changes made in prescription:
First 9 month Medicines given for the cure of Hyperacidity that help improve digestion. After that, we added quath (Decoction) and Guggulu pills
Outcome on Ayurvedic Treatment for Amavata ( Rheumatoid Arthritis )
The patient gradually started feeling better after 3 months of treatment. During the course of the treatment, the symptoms disappeared and reappeared again with more intensity. If we were to plot the graph, it was a sinuous curve with valleys and troughs.
He had improved digestion and felt much better.
Parameters before, during & after Ayurvedic treatment for Amavata ( Rheumatoid Arthritis )
After 5 months, he had improved hyperacidity.
We observed improvement in pain/swelling/heaviness for a few days. After Ayurvedic medicines, there was improvement observed and it balanced the fluctuations in pain.
6 Month Follow-up:
Improved stiffness. He would have more stiffness if we changed the treatment. After 9 months of treatment, his back was normal.
Discussion on Ayurvedic treatment for Amavata ( RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS )
According to Ayurveda, factors like impaired digestion, stress make the digestion weak and is the cause for Hyperacidity. Because of Hyperacidity, digestion becomes weak and is the cause of semi-digested Rasa Dhatu. This undigested Rasa Dhatu is called Ama. The increased Ama with Vata and Kapha is located in the entire body that creates the symptoms of pain and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Ayurvedic Medicine for AAMVAAT ( RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS ) Treatment:
Deepan Vati: Provoke digestive energy
Paachan Vati: To make the digestion stronger
Dhatu Paachan Vati for improved metabolism and make Dhatvagni m=normal
Aamvaathar Kwath (Decoction as raw material formulation) for cleansing roots and strotas
Amlapittaantak Vati to remove deformed Pitta from the body
Ampitthar Chrurn to remove deformed bile from the body
Aamvaataari Gugaalu Pills to help balance Vata and Kapha from the body