/>Ayurveda treatment plan for GERD
Samprapti Ghataka- Dosha: Pitta-Vata Dushya: Ras dhatu
Srotas: Anna vaha srotas, Rasa vaha srotas Adhishthan: Amashaya
Nidana: Excessive consumption of dosha aggravating dietary things like sour, pungent, salty things, tea, coffee, lack of water consumption, heavy to digest food, pickle, fried, oily, spicy food intake, fast foods, being short tempered and angry like factors.
Chikitsa Sutra
· Nidana parivarjan – Avoidance of etiological factors in diet and routine that caused disease
· Shaman Chikitsa – Pitta-vata shaman, pachan, anuloman, rechan, rasayan
· Shodhan Chikitsa – Some effective and easy to implement methods were discussed to de done at home
· Sattvavjay Chikitsa – Patient education, expectation management and approach of treatment was shared
Specific Advice on Ayurvedic Remedy for Acidity:
Pathya: Chewing saunf after meals, drinking water, apple, papaya, guava, drinking saunf soaked water were advised to follow.
Apathya: Fried, oily, spicy and heavy foods, things with hot potency, drinking tea-coffee, white flour products, pulses, rajma, urad, brinjal, garlic etc must be avoided.
Modifications/Changes made in prescription during the course, below changed Ayurvedic medicine for Acidity and Indigestion were given as per patient’s feedback:
After one month of medication, the patient shared little improvement in some digestive complaints as well as in a headache, chest burning, and throat dryness. But there was no change in the burning sensation after defecation. All these symptoms were recurring if diet restrictions were not followed properly. Gradually, the patient reported a noticeable difference in the burning sensation. In between, garlic intake caused acidity and digestive discomfort.
In May 2018, the patient shared significant recovery in all primary symptoms. The patient reported that once in a while a few of these symptoms recurred due to his negligence in a diet otherwise everything was normal.
Parameters before, during & after Ayurvedic Remedy for Acidity were recorded.