Ayurveda Concept: In Ayurveda it comes under swas roga where kapha vata dosha vitiates at the site of Pitta .Accumulation of Kapha obstruct the normal function of Vata. Cause of the disease is sour sweet cold items, exposure to cold .In this case he was exposed to cold weather during early age and the dietary habit of mother was another cause of his illness and later on he himself was taking sour fried and heavy food stuff.
He was advised to start Ayurvedic treatment along diet and lifestyle modification
Treatment Plan:
Sooth shekahar Ras 250 Mg +Sitopaladi 1gm + Abhrak bhasma 100 Puti 62.5 Mg
Along with honey and Tulsi leaves juice one tablespoon (holy basil leaves)
Dashmoolarishta for 7 days
Along with strict dietary restriction, stop all fried sour sweets chocolates immediately, take hot water , Be light and easily digestible food.
After seven days follow up there was improvement in all symptoms and he did not used inhaler during these 7 days .treatment was repeated for next 20 days
Follow up he was free of all symptoms, Improvement in stamina, appetite, Tongue was clear, Lung field was clear on occultation.
He was put on following treatment for three months:
ChyawanPrash, Soothshekar Sitopladi abhrak bhasma He was in Chyawanprash for the next one year.
Present Status: He well and free of all symptoms he may have mild symptoms of rhinitis during season change which recover with home remedies like Basil leaves cinnamon, pepper with honey or with some Ayurvedic medicines for 5-7 days.
Outcome of Treatment: Free of all symptoms, no nebulisation required, no hospitalization required for emergency, General health was good.