A 21 years old girl, named Shubhra came to our hospital suffering from multiple disorders. After her diagnosis, we were told that she just had Tuberculosis and she had allopathic treatment for the same. As she continued with the treatment, strong medicines affected her body, including eyes. She experienced deterioration of vision with the increased dose of Ethambutol, a prescription medication as given to her for treatment of Tuberculosis. Over time the medication started to have bad side effects . In addition, she was also suffering from Macular Degeneration and Retinitis Pigmentosa that caused extreme damage to her eyes and impaired her vision.How Does Ayurveda help with cases of impaired vision and all ailments that are associated with Macular Degeneration? As you knowAyurveda being 5000 years old was used because of its safe protocols and devoid of any side effects.With the development of several treatment techniques, popularity of Ayurveda has gone down because of it being comparatively slow in treatment of the disease. But the allopathic treatment became popular among the masses since this was the fastest treatment technology. The basic principle behind the allopathic treatment is that the effect disease is settled for a while so that the patient can feel that the disease has left but in reality the disease is just forced to settle down with the help of strong synthetic medications. These medications, instead of curing the disease, settle it down and this disease again comes up with a double effect on the body. This regenerating disease is 100 times more dangerous than the previous attack. And this is what makes people suffer!