Sore and sharp pain around the lumbar área when driving
When lying down, discomfort on anterior region of L5-S1, like a ball…
So the first thing that a manage o eliminate was this last simptom, with… Meditation. After 2/3 days this pain disappeared
For the rest, I tried acupuncture on myself e no success (before learning Tan and Tungs Method) and Qi gong that helped me relieving the pain. But still, I had a lot of pain. Só after, around, 2 weeks (in January) I start applying hot water bag on my back till I fall asleep…. The pain gradually and quickly got better. After some days I was able to walk with little pain, drive small distances with less and more located (L5-S1) pain.
After two months I was doing my life normally. Some days better some days worst. i eventually stopped with the hot water bag…
So sometimes I still feel pain on L5-S1, much better than before. Now, for example, I can drive big distances, and aí rarely feel something…
Two weeks ago I had more pain on L5-S1 that wouldn’t go away… I decided to massage with my finger nail the 11.12 points. The pain was present for several days and was constant…
The next day I was almost better and the day after till today no PAIN