Both received Shodhana chikitsa by Virechana karma followed by Shamana chikitsa.The Virechana was given as a stat dose to both the patients at 11 a.m. of their respective days. They were advised to consume the combination over a period of 30–60 min to avoid aversion and regurgitation. Loose motions initiated 3–4 h after the ingestion and continued for 24 h and 19 h, respectively, ending with Kaphant Vierchana i.e. clear, colourless stool. After each loose motion, they were advised to consume at least 300 ml of water to avoid dehydration and to flush the intestines of the Pitta toxins.
Ghrit Pana for Virechana Panchatikta Ghrit was given for the purpose. This is a medicated Ghrit containing Nimba (Azadirachta indica), Patola (Luffa acutangula), Vyaghri (Solanum xanthocarpum), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Vasa (Adhatoda vasica). Abhayanga and Sarvanga Swedana preceded the Virechana procedure.
Ayurvedic Medicines: for Treatments:
Aragwadh (Cassia fistula) decoction
Castor oil
Ichcabhedi Ras having Croton tiglium
Kutki powder (Picrorrhiza kurroa)
Haritaki powder
Treatment Protocol:
Ghrit Pana: 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 ml on first 5 days
Rest on 6th day
Virechana 7th day after Abhayangam
Samsarjana diet; Khichri diet from 8th – 12th day
Shamana herbs: 13th day till 30 days
Shamana Treatment
Both the patients were given Shaman Chikitsa with Manjistha, Nishoth and Haridra at the rate 2 g each, i.e., 6 g BD for 30 days after Virechana.
Both the patients showed complete compliance with the treatment. The patient A passed 32 loose stools while the patient B passed 28 stools before showing the desirable results of complete Virechana, i.e., colourless stools. Both the patients improved significantly after the said treatment. They did not require the regular antihistamines they were on for many years. If the conditions before and after the treatment were compared, both showed significant difference in itching, flares and discomfort. Even after a month of discontinuation of the oral herbal medication, they did not report recurrences.
Virechana is the best procedure against Pitta, the Dosha accountable for the symptoms of Shitapitta. Purgation induction could possibly take out the allergens from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), reducing their concentration in blood and improving the symptoms. This happens due to the altered fluid dynamics and osmosis from the plasma into the alimentary tract [35-38. Most of the processes are temperature specific, and the intense purgation reducing the temperature in the small intestine could deactivate some of the allergens responsible for Urticaria. Once a great deal of toxins removed, Shaman herbs could ensure the nonrecurrence and the patients could be symptom free till date. Nishoth in the Shaman Chikitsa ensured mild everyday Virechana.
A troubling condition like Urticaria can be effectively controlled and cured with Panchakarma procedures. These being non chemical treatments, have all-round advantage over the conventional antihistamine approach. The results are fast to show and the patient need not continue the herbal treatment for long. In these two cases, Ayurveda cured Urticaria rather than treating or managing it.
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