Samprapti Ghatak: Vata – Kapha
Dushy Ras
Strotas: Rasvah
Nidan: Eating Junk food, Stress, Weak digestion
Chikitsa Sutra:
Nidan parivarjan – Avoidance of etiological factors in diet and routine that caused disease
Shodhan Chikitsa: Ayurvedic Massage Chikitsa
First 14 Days:
Massage done with poultice powder
Massage with Ayurveda Oil
Nest 14 Days:
Massage done with medicinal plants leaves; poultice with Ayurveda Oil
Last 14 Days:
Massage with 3 litre of Ayurvedic oil used everyday on the whole body
Deepan Vati
Paachan Vati
Dhatu Paachan Vati
Aamvaathar Kwath (Decoction as raw material formulation)
Aamvaataari Gugaalu Pills
Specific Advice for Ayurvedic Treatment for Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Pathy: Pure Veg diet, light, fresh, Avoid eggs and lukewarm water.
Apathy: Junk food, Cold drink, Cold water, Green salad, Curd, Buttermilk. Sleeping during the day.
Modifications/Changes made in Prescription
We changed Ayurvedic Massage therapy after every 14 days.
Outcome on Ayurvedic Treatment for Amavata (R.A.)
The patient started feeling much better after 5 days. During the course of the treatment, the symptoms disappeared and reappeared again with more intensity. If we were to plot the graph, it was a sinuous curve with valleys and troughs. Whenever we changed the massage, the patient had swelling and more pain. She had improved digestion and was feeling much better.
Parameters before, during & after Ayurvedic treatment for Amavata (R.A.)
First 7 Days: Pain/swelling/heaviness improved
8th day: Intensity of pain resurfaced. After the treatment, the pain subsided.
Whenever we changed any treatment, pain and swelling resurfaced.
21 Day Follow-up:
Stiffness improved and there was a time where pain and swelling resurfaced if there was a change in treatment.
34 Day Follow-up:
Her stiffness in the back improved and she could rotate in the bed. She was not able to do it for many years.
Discussion on Ayurvedic treatment for Amavata ( R.A. )
According to Ayurveda, factors like junk food can impair digestion. In addition stress can add to weaker digestion. It is because of the origin of semi digested food; Ras Dhatu that is known as Ama. The increase in Ama mixed with Vata and Kapha doshas aggravate the back and the whole body. This creates the symptoms and the Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Ayurvedic Medicine for AAMVAAT ( R.A. )Treatment:
Deepan Vati: Digestive energy
Paachan Vati: Digestion strong
Dhatu Paachan Vati: Improve metabolism and make Dhatvagni normal
Aamvaathar Kwath (Docoction as raw material formulation) for cleansing roots- strotas
Aamvaataari Gugaalu pills for throw out Vata and Kapha from the body