Ayurvedic Remedy for Fissure
Client wanted to avoid surgery or any other surgical procedure. Within one week of Ayurvedic medicine treatment, the client got complete relief in pain. He has been off all pain killers and has resumed his work. We treated him with 2-3 Ayurveda medicines, oils and Ointment.
Ayurvedic Remedy for Fissure
Fissure-in-ano is a painful condition in which deep cracks mainly in the mid-posterior line and may cause bleeding. In Ayurveda, fissure-in-ano called “Parikartika” is a state of Guda associated with cutting and tearing pain. The symptoms useful in the diagnosis of the condition are burning pain in anus and penis, constipation, and blood in the stools. Due to the increase in the number of incidences of disease and no satisfactory treatment options, Ayurvedic remedies for fissures have gained significant importance.1
Clinical Evaluation of Madhuyashtyadi Ghrita and Anal Dilation in the Management of Parikarthika (Fissure-in-ano)
Madhuyashtyadi ghrita is used for local application and consists of the following ingredients:
The madhuyashtyadi ghrita and anal dilation under anesthesia separately and in combination with laxatives and the anti-inflammatory drugs are used as a therapy regime in the fissure-in-ano.1
Effect of Chandanadi Lepa in the Management of Acute Fissure-in-ano
Chandanadi lepa is an herbal formulation applied locally on ulcers. A dose of 250 mg once a day for three months can show a significant improvement in symptoms. The symptoms treated from this formulation are a pain, bleeding, and burning sensation. Therefore, the effective treatment of fissures counts Chandanadi lepa as one of the preferred therapy.2
Jatyadi Taila in Fissure-in-ano: Can be a complete cure
The surgical treatments are often associated with several complicated side effects. Ayurveda provides complete healing of the disease with minimal side effects attached to the therapy. Jatyadi taila is used topically for four weeks to relief from the condition. The purpose of this medicine is Samprapti Vighatan, or reduce the strength of Vyadhi Ghatak. Jatyadi taila can be used to treat the complete symptoms related to the fissures.3
Conclusion: The ayurvedic treatments for fissures are gaining significant importance these days. It is the non-painful therapy which assures the cure or the maximum recovery.
KULKARNI, N., & SHARMA, S. S. (2016). Clinical Evaluation of Madhuyashtyadi Ghrita and Anal Dilatation in the Management of Parikartika (Fissure-In-Ano). ANTISEPTIC.
Maheshwari, T., Yadav, S., kumar Gautam, R., Kumar, A., Bhatt, V., Sharma, P. K., & Verma, V. Effect of Chandanadi Lepa in the Management of Parikartika WSR to Acute Fissure in Ano.
Maheshwari, T., Yadav, S., kumar Gautam, R., Kumar, A., Bhatt, V., Sharma, P. K., & Verma, V. Effect of Chandanadi Lepa in the Management of Parikartika WSR to Acute Fissure in Ano.