A 47 year old female suffering from systemic sclerosis visited OPD Naiminath Homeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Agra on dated 20.06. 2019, after listening to her complaints, I advised her to get admitted, then she decided to get admitted in this hospital after 1 hour.Scleroderma or systemic sclerosis is a disease that terrifies every single patient, attendants, and physicians as well. It is an umbrella term for a group of autoimmune conditions in which the common clinical finding is thickened and discoloration of the skin. Scleroderma may be localized or systemic. The systemic disease is characterized by Raynaud’s phenomenon with the presence of autoantibodies and destructive tendency in internal organs. It also results in Musculoskeletal disorders ranging from stiffness in multiple joints to severe deformities in the joints.This lady was suffering from this disease for 1 year, after a huge monetary loss in business. She had been very sick for the last 4 months with her skin color in a patch of black and white like vitiligo. Her skin was rough, thick, puckered with itching and burning. In addition, she had stiffness in multiple joints, numbness, generalized weakness, loss of appetite and sleeplessness. Loss of self-esteem, a deeper sense of incapability comes in a patient when they realize that they suffer from an incurable Autoimmune Disorder. A complete psychological turmoil caused withdrawal from her job, friends, and life. At one point, she was very bright, beautiful, strong, a career-oriented woman doing her work with a great passion be it modeling or air hostess or designer or business. It was disheartening to see her suffering.SYMPTOMS:Dark patches in skin colorSkin itching and burningLoss of appetiteSleeplessnessMental stressLack of social life