52-year-old client visited my clinic who complained of pain and swelling on all of the joints especially neck, lower back, hips, and knees In addition, the pain got worse by engaging in an activity that involved carrying any type of weights. The client also complained about the stiffness in hands after sleep.In Ayurveda, this condition is called as Sandigata vata (Osteoarthritis). In Ayurveda, this condition is classified under as Vatha Vyadi (means diseases which are caused due to Vata Dosha) and the person affected will have severe pain in the joints.According to Ayurveda, the cause of this disease is due to aggravated Vata dosha, and according to modern medicine, primary osteoarthritis is Idiopathic and secondary arthritis due to obesity, injury, overuse of a joint etc. The main symptoms mentioned in Ayurvedic textbook about this disease are Severe pain in jointsSwelling of the jointsA cranky voice from the joints while movementThe affected joint is hard to touch.My client also exhibited most of the symptoms mentioned above. The client is a working professional, and the work requires 60% traveling and prolonged sitting position in the office for more than eight hours. The client was not having a proper diet plan or physical exercise due to workload.
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