Samprapti Ghataka-
Dosha: Tridosha
Dushya: Rasa, Rakta, Mansa, Meda, Ojas
Srotas: Anna vaha, Udak vaha, Rasavaha srotas
Adhishthan: Agnyashaya, Vasti
Nidana: Excess consumption of Kapha aggravating things, sedentary lifestyle, overweight, Anxiety, improper eating habits, lack of physical work etc.
Chikitsa Sutra
· Nidan parivarjan – Avoidance of etiological factors in diet and routine that caused disease
· Shaman Chikitsa – Vata-pitta shaman, deepan, pachan, sroto shodhan, rasayan
· Shodhan Chikitsa – Some easy to practice natural detoxifying procedures were recommended.
· Sattvavjay
Chikitsa – Patient education, expectation management, and approach of treatment was shared.
Diabetes Mellitus Ayurveda Remedies Plan:
Churna: Madhumehantak churna
Tablets: Diaboherb Tablet
Products: DiatrinTablets
Tejovatyadi churna Chandraprakash Rasayan
Udumbar ghan sattva Arogyadayini Vati
Trisiddha churna
Panchnimbadi churna
Specific Advice on Diabetes Mellitus Ayurvedic Treatment
Pathya: Advised to take multigrain flour, cow milk, dry fruits, practice regular walk and exercise, seasonal leafy vegetables, karela, consuming soaked methi seeds, massage soles with cow ghee/coconut oil/olive oil, drinking lukewarm water in the morning, heeng-ajawain boiled water for indigestion and Piles, sitz bath in alum water for Piles complain etc.
Avoid sweets and other sugar-based things, rice, potato, carbonated drinks, white flour products, curd, pickle, non-veg food etc should not be consumed.
Modifications/Changes made in a prescription for Diabetes Ayurvedic Medicine List during the course.
Below changed medicines were given as per the patient’s feedback:
In June, 2017 In Powder, Udumbar ghan sattva was replaced with Bala mool churna while in tablet, Chandra prakash rasayan vati was changed to Sandhi rog har guggulu. In products, Karela juice was added.
In Oct, 2017 In Powder, Balamool churna was replaced with Shuddha shilajeet bhasma and Trisiddha churna was changed with Shivakshar pachan churna. Chandrapraksha rasayan was brought back instead of Sandhirog har guggulu and Amritadi guggulu was given in place of Arogyadayini vati.
Outcome for Diabetes Mellitus Ayurvedic Treatment was recorded.