An acupuncture treatment was done. After a few minutes of the treatment started, Sara felt changes at the abdominal level, as if something was loosening up.
At the end of the treatment the improvements were already “visible”. A few days later I got back in touch with Sara to know her condition. She had full recovery.
In Chinese Medicine there is no disease, but a person in imbalance. Some will say, this is irrelevant, because what matters is the results. On the one hand YES, what matters is the results, but on the other hand, if we can not have a broad view on what affects the person we are limited in the search for a solution. In Chinese medicine the important thing is to know the mechanisms of the body and not so much a particular disease. When we know how the body (not only physical) behaves, we can identify any and all imbalance.
In Sara’s own words:
“It is fantastic to be able to experience the almost immediate result in an acupuncture session in a drawn-out state of health, where after several examinations and consultations with doctors (traditional medicine) only provided the accumulation of side effects of supposed treatments. It is a great privilege to have access to healing “apparently” in a simple and quite effective way. Grateful for the dedication, interest and professionalism demonstrated. “