He did acupuncture therapy for four months with intermittent intervals and began feeling better as the pain due to his aliment reduced dramatically. This quick results made his right leg pain free Earlier the pain was difficult to bear when he used to stand and also while he walked . He felt the Sciatica pain in both my legs, right from his lumbar region down to his toes. He was simply amazed to see what acupuncture had done in his case and considers this to be a new lease of life.
In his case along with the improvement in his mobility, there was an improvement in his eyesight due to the effect of the treatment he was taking. He had poor eyesight since he was young and had been using high power reading glasses. In the due course of taking acupuncture regularly, he found that his sight was improving gradually at the age of seventy and there were no explanations by the optician for this development.
He wishes to share this to inculcate belief and faith in the holistic science of acupuncture and assure those who may be interested in this methodology to avoid surgery, if they can as the latter course has serious repercussions on the future well being and health. Surgery is an option when one has exhausted all the holistic methods. More often than not, everybody has to suffer the pain and sometimes it may be for a longer duration. To manage the pain is an art and acupuncture is one of the potent tools of management.
Now, he regularly plays Golf and is sure he would be able to live a completely normal life till the end. He firmly believes that one needs to be active physically and mentally always to remain fully active and free of depression and tells all golfers “Do not abandon the game. He who plays golf regularly keeps sickness at bay”.