Acupuncture: Right-side yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66, GB41, SI5, ST36 with wood points LI3, SI3, ST43, and UB65, which are central elements for his Lesser Yang and Greater Yang constitution.
Treatment process: This patient had 18 acupuncture treatments in 3 months so far. During the first visit, he slept through the whole 25-minute session and 30 minutes more until he was prompted to wake up. He had the best deep sleep in years. From then on, he had a definite weekly improvement in intensity, frequency, and duration both in the mind and body. After the 13th visit, he was able to exercise for more than one hour without aggravation. By the 18th visit, he reported having close to zero pain.
Discussion: Chronic pains make it difficult to have a healthy mindset and to live a normal life. So, it is easier to take prescription medications and illegal drugs to relieve the anguish. Fortunately, acupuncture was able to eliminate most of the pain, increase stamina, and bring hope for his future. In addition, a drug rehabilitation center, which he was participating in, is crucial in providing mind and social support.
What is Anxiety and its causes, symptoms, and Prevalence?
Lot of us suffer from anxiety with our harried lifestyle in today’s day and age. What exactly is anxiety and how do you know that you suffer from it?
Anxiety is an emotion that is characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts that may lead to increased blood pressure. Everyone experiences some kind of anxiety at some point in their life, the duration and severity of an anxious feeling determine whether the individual is suffering from an anxiety disorder or not. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness that affects people all over the world most commonly women. Anxiety arises due to stress, medications, and lack of oxygen. A person suffering from anxiety disorder can experience excessive anxiety energy, fear, apprehension, depression and in long term can also lead to secondary effects like loneliness, hopelessness, thoughts of suicide, and deep sadness.