HISTORY:Some time ago I received a female patient, 54 years old suffering from cold and damp “allergy”.It started more or less 10 years ago, after her father’s stroke. Since then emotional instability (insomnia, palpitations, stress) and started taking Victam at that time.She also had an episode, may be important. She was in direct contact with rat poison. She touched it with her hands.Symptoms:Each time it was cold or damp (even when she didn’t feel, she would feel an uncomfortable sensation on the body starting on the legs and eventually spreading to the all body. The skin changed going red with itching and with nodules. Those symptoms would only disappear by getting warm and it would take some time.Also each time she sweats, she would get a strong reaction. She would sweat when she is playing sports. Weak digestion, she can’t eat a lot of things, and doctors think she might have a problem on her liver. Weak memory: Every night she wakes up feeling shocks, mainly on her left leg (she described the the Kidney meridian) starting on Kd1 till the heart.Pulse: Superficial on the upper burner, weaker on lower burner. Liver stronger than Spleen.Tongue: Teeth mark, sometimes reddishFace: Red