Hypnosis is a potent tool that can be used for many purposes, including emotional healing. Emotional wounds can be deep and painful, and they can significantly impact a person’s life. Hypnosis can help individuals overcome emotional pain by addressing the underlying issues and changing negative thought patterns.
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of heightened awareness and deep relaxation that allows the individual to become more open to suggestions. Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis is not a form of mind control. The individual undergoing hypnosis is always in control and cannot be forced to do anything they don’t want to do. Hypnosis is simply a tool that can be used to help individuals access their subconscious minds and create positive change.
Hypnosis for Emotional Healing
Emotional wounds can be difficult to overcome, and they can manifest in many ways. Some individuals may experience anxiety or depression, while others struggle with low self-esteem or relationship issues. Hypnosis can help individuals overcome these emotional wounds by addressing the underlying issues and changing negative thought patterns.
During a hypnosis session for emotional healing, the individual is guided into deep relaxation. Once they are relaxed, the hypnotherapist can address the root causes of their emotional pain. This may involve exploring past experiences or identifying negative thought patterns contributing to their emotional distress.
Once the underlying issues have been identified, the hypnotherapist can work with the individual to create new positive thought patterns. This may involve suggesting affirmations or visualizations promoting peace, happiness, and self-worth. Over time, these new positive thought patterns can become ingrained in the individual’s subconscious mind, leading to lasting emotional healing.
Benefits of Hypnosis for Emotional Healing
Hypnosis can be a highly effective method for emotional healing, with a wide range of benefits. Some of the benefits of hypnosis for emotional healing include:
Addressing the root cause of emotional pain – Unlike other forms of therapy, hypnosis allows individuals to explore the root causes of their emotional pain. This can lead to deeper understanding and lasting emotional healing.
Changing negative thought patterns – Negative thought patterns can be difficult to overcome, but hypnosis can help individuals create new positive thought patterns that promote emotional healing.
Promoting relaxation and reducing stress – Hypnosis is a deeply relaxing experience that can help reduce stress and promote feelings of calm and peace.
Improving self-esteem – Hypnosis can help individuals overcome negative self-talk and develop a more positive self-image.
Enhancing relationships – Emotional wounds can significantly impact relationships, but hypnosis can help individuals overcome these wounds and build deeper, more meaningful connections with others.
Hypnosis can be a powerful tool for emotional healing, allowing individuals to address the underlying issues contributing to their emotional pain. You can feel more calm and stable when exposed to the same triggers. Here we discuss with Hilda, a hypnotherapist focusing on women, to share her thoughts on using this powerful therapy for emotional healing.
NourishDoc: Well, we have been talking about the efficacy of hypnotherapy for different types of health concerns. But today, specifically for women over forty, we women go through many different stresses, right? So, to talk about this, we have Hilda. She is a hypnotherapist focusing on women, helping them unblock all the emotions, anxiety, stress, and bad things we have. Welcome, Hilda.
Hypnotherapist Hilda: Hi, thank you so much. So nice to be here.
How Does Hypnotherapy Help With Emotional Imbalance?
NourishDoc: All right, let’s start first of all; how does hypnotherapy help with emotional imbalance?
Hypnotherapist Hilda: It’s such a good question. So, hypnotherapy has a multitude of ways of helping with emotional balance. So, as you’ve mentioned with stress so, stress does affect our emotions. So in hypnotherapy, we can do specific stress therapy scripts to help you manage the stress that’s going on in your life.
Also, within hypnotherapy, it’s quite relaxing, so when you’re stressed, it’s a little bit more difficult to relax so; in hypnotherapy, you have this moment to yourself where you’re able to relax completely, and then, within that session, we’re training your brain to learn how to work with the stress in your life. So, another way is looking at your historical experience; that could be how you grew up; you know if some repeated patterns are going on in your life or some trauma.
These things can affect your emotional balance, so basically, we’re looking at those types of things and honing in on them, allowing the person to look at these patterns and then work on them in their daily lives. So, for example, say they have low self-esteem, or, you know, low self-concept or confidence, and in raking life, they abandon themselves. Hence, they want to say no, but instead, they say yes, because they have this low self-esteem or low confidence, and they go into people pleasing. Then they abandon themselves and so, in hypnotherapy, we discover why they’re doing that. We change that program in their mind, to help build confidence, or help build self-esteem, because what that does, and how it affects the emotional balance, is it helps them feel better about themselves.
So if they’re abandoning themselves, they’re going to come home, they’re going to beat themselves up, and not feel so great about themselves so, we’re changing, again, that program in the mind, which I’ll explain how hypnosis works, but it’s basically the programming so, programming in your subconscious is, you know, from either from your childhood or repeated patterns, and basically, what subconscious, what hypnosis does, is it puts a person into relaxation, and it creates a communication system between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind, so that we can get those new suggestions and belief systems into the brain.
So that they can start creating these new patterns and these new belief systems because your belief systems sit in your subconscious mind, and so sometimes what people don’t realize is that they’re running on automatic, the subconscious mind is running on automatic and so they keep doing the same thing. They’re like, why do I keep doing this and that’s because your subconscious mind is on automatic. So, that’s why we need to go in there and start to basically like reprogram it. It’s kind of like a computer and then the computer’s got an application and so say for example, you’ve got this application in your romantic life, and that part needs to be updated. So, you update it.
So, we need to constantly update our brains so that when we figure out something’s not working for us, we can do some updates, which will help in their daily life to start feeling better about themselves, creating this emotional balance. So, suppose women aren’t feeling great about themselves in their 40s. In that case, this is the stuff in an area that can look at in terms of an emotional balance. Another great aspect of hypnotherapy is the healing aspect.
So the healing aspect of it, we do different, or I do different types of techniques; I’m not sure if all hypnotherapists do these things, but I do age regression, and age regression allows us to hone in on the area that causes the initial problem in the first place. So we’re not looking at the secondary system; we’re looking at what that we’re going into the root issue. And when we get there, we do what’s called reframing.
So, we get to the issue, and we reframe this for them so, if they didn’t get what they needed at that moment, we then reframe it so that they do get what they need at that moment, and so, for example, how this creates emotional balance for people is that if this is reoccurring for them. It’s a trigger in their life; then, we want to sort out that trigger, what’s happening, and why they are reacting in that way. So, that’s why aggression is great in reframing that. There’s another beautiful thing, so many things are mostly relationship related, whether that’s your family, romantic partners, friends, or relationship with yourself.
So, there’s this type of therapy called cording. The cording allows you to heal past relationships or current relationships. It allows you to do this healing so you can voice out what it is that you need to say or how you need to be supported in that, and so again, this, you know, go through difficult things, it’s usually generally stemmed around a relationship a didn’t process something properly or for grieving, we didn’t process it, or things are stuck, this is a great way to do that because your emotions can, you know, run the bus.
So we want to create that balance, and sometimes it involves healing, and then, of course, there’s parts therapy. So, I’m not sure if many people are familiar with parts therapy, they may be more familiar with inner family systems or sub-personalities; they’re similar, and basically, that’s, I think, what’s popular out there is inner child healing or inner critic or inner protector, those types of things and so sometimes what happens is that part of your brain decides that hey okay I’m going to protect you.
Maybe they needed that part when, at the time, they were little, and this part jumped in. But basically, we say age aggression with that part and able to help it let go and move on so that it’s not inhibiting them from moving on. So, all of these things do affect a person’s emotional well-being. So, to create that emotional balance for them, we need to look at all these different things.
How Does Hypnosis Unblock Emotional Triggers?
NourishDoc: Okay, so, that’s amazing; you know how hypnotherapy can go into the subconscious mind and unblock some of the triggers that all of us have had, whether it’s childhood or some bad experience or we are stuck, right? Most of us get stuck with something and experience that bad experience that has happened to all of us, and how hypnotherapy can unblock that so we can move on because that’s a problem, right?
As humans, we cannot move on; we keep returning to the emotional disturbances that happened to us as kids. Now I want to open up and talk about science. The science behind the hypnosis. So what happens in, when someone goes into hypnosis, and how does it affect the brain? That’s if you talk a little about the science behind hypnosis.
Hypnotherapist Hilda: Sure. So hypnosis is a communication system between your conscious and subconscious minds. So when somebody goes into hypnosis, there’s a critical faculty in the brain. I like to call it a filter just for simplicity purposes, and so, in waking life, the filter is awake and alive. So if you’re trying to do and make shifts and changes, and if those shifts and changes don’t match up with your belief system, what’s in your subconscious mind will kick it out.
So, we want that to step aside and go into laxation, which is hypnosis. Then we do what’s these therapy scripts to allow this communication between the conscious and subconscious minds to agree. So because your belief systems are in your subconscious mind, this is where we start to create this new belief system. That’s basically how that works. So, a person in a hypnosis like to information; they will feel deeply relaxed; some people feel like they might feel like they’re sleeping, but they’re not, and they’re completely aware of what’s happening or what I’m being said or what’s being said to them so, they’re incomplete control.
So, I do some therapy where it involves interaction. In that case, if there’s something there that they feel that they don’t want to share, they’re in control, they’re in complete control of what’s happening, and that’s important for everyone to know that hypnotherapy isn’t like mind controllers, we are just helping this person be focused on the area that they’re trying to work on and then as soon as we say that it’s time for you to come out of hypnosis, they come out. So even though they feel like they might be in a deep sleep. They come out as soon as we tell them to; it’s pretty funny because they’re like, whoa. That’s amazing.
Guided Meditation v/s Hypnosis
NourishDoc: Okay, So I mean, this is amazing. Like a lot of us don’t understand hypnosis. However, meditation that most of us have so many apps are there for meditation. Meditation and hypnosis are similar. Right? Do you want to comment on guided meditation and hypnosis, a little bit and a difference, or is it similar in our brain?
Hypnotherapist Hilda: So that’s a really good question. The difference between meditation and hypnosis is that the hypnotherapist uses induction. The induction is what puts the person into hypnosis. Hence, you know the hypnotherapist would be like, you know, lift your eyes. Then eyes will start to grow heavy, and we’re starting to talk this person into hypnosis. So this is how hypnosis works. With guided meditation, it’s the same thing; it’s using a script that brings this person into hypnosis.
Sometimes, guidance may take longer. In contrast, hypnosis is quicker and will get that person into that zone immediately. Another thing that is interesting to know about hypnosis is whether it is a biological fact or a natural state. So people go into hypnosis all the time, like without meditation or without, you know, a hypnotherapist, they could be like driving on a long stretch and drop down into this zone.
So they put this into they put themselves into hypnosis; we hypnotize ourselves all the time. That’s the difference between meditation and hypnosis; meditation may take a little. Guided is more similar to what a hypnotherapist does. However, the hypnotherapist does use specific techniques for that person to drop into that zone.
NourishDoc: Okay, that’s important to understand, and the other thing is, like meditation nowadays, you know, we press the button, the apps, there are so many meditation apps, and people say, oh, meditate. Can this also be done with a bit of self-help, or does it always need a hypnotherapist all the time? What are your comments and feedback on this particular thing?
Hypnotherapist Hilda: Sorry that the Zooms tend to cut out the question.
Hypnosis Vs. Guided Meditation
NourishDoc: So what I’m saying is the guided meditation. Nowadays, there are so many apps. We have 1 minute, 5 minutes, whatever; we press the button, and we can start the meditation. In hypnosis, we can do the same thing as we have done in guided meditation, or do you always think that an expert is necessary?
Hypnotherapist Hilda: I think that, you know, a hypnotherapist has their specific area in terms of helping the person realize the patterns and healing that I think where these guided meditations come in is that they should be doing it on a regular daily practice, so that, you know, outside of hypnotherapy, it’s not just like, you go to hypnotherapy, and you’re healed, you need to be continuously practicing these other things.
If you’re finding that going into that meditative state is helpful, which I mean, a big meditator, then go there; it’s going to help with regulating those emotions and stress like I’ve been a transcendental meditation meditator for a long time. The stress levels have just completely dropped. So meditation is a huge thing in terms of creating emotional balance.
So I’m going to say that the hypnotherapist is going to, you know, hone in on those areas that you may need to focus on, and in the meditation, that’s where you can work on it on yourself; it’s kind of like your homework. However, hopefully, it becomes a style because knowing your brain knows yourself. Then that’s how you make those shifts and changes toward your patterns and move towards how you want to feel better or go towards your goals.
Do Your Hypnotherapy Homework For Best Results
NourishDoc: I think that’s great. I mean, that is great the way you explain it; it’s beautiful because most of us don’t understand the subtle differences between hypnotherapy and guided meditation; we take one against the other, but understanding how the hypnosis could be a little bit more clinical if I may say so. Guided meditation is more of a self-help or homework assignment or something we can do ourselves. However, hypnotherapy would be more effective if we needed more expert intervention. Right? That’s what I’m just rephrasing, what you explained.
Hypnotherapist Hilda: I mean, that’s exactly right because when, like, when I work with my clients, and I tell them, like, you know, we’re here, we’re working together, but I give them homework, so I do mindset coaching as well, but if they’re going through a really hard time, I encourage that meditation, I encourage that because that’s going to help them give them that rest, give that mental rest, because sometimes our brains are so active, you know, being able to be okay with when they’re sitting alone with themselves to be okay with those thoughts that come in because this is this biggest opportunity for you to really learn those thoughts and then, you know, you become more mindful like, okay, hey, that’s that thought that I needed to change, that, that Hilda spoke to me about in hypnotherapy, this is where you become so self-aware, is meditation. It’s like, we have to be okay with sitting alone to be okay with that, you know?
NourishDoc: All right, well, thank you so much. Explaining to us the difference between hypnosis and guided meditation and also making us understand how hypnosis work helps us calm our mind daily and help us attain that emotional balance that most of us need because we know this world is all stressed out and all about me. Everyone is stressed out nowadays, so we need this more than ever. So, we are launching programs for women over 40 And so stay tuned. Please keep supporting us, and thank you so much for joining me today.