
Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massage uses integrative therapies to relieve stress & anxiety. Organic oil blends for detoxification are selected for the Dosha imbalance.

Table of Contents

How This Helps

Centuries of empirical studies have refined Ayurvedic massage into a sublime art, and yet it’s still unheard of by many. Ayurvedic massage combines the science of life in Ayurveda and stress points. This kind of massage is designed to create balance among the mind, body, and soul, and help the body cure itself. It’s sometimes known as an “oil massage” since it generally incorporates warm herb essential oils, in addition to time-honored and unconventional strokes and kneading that suit an individual’s needs. Combining a skilled understanding of the body with knowledge of oils, songs, and bodywork techniques has created an artform for balancing the mind and body through an oil massage. Ayurvedic massage is a vital part of Ayurvedic treatment and typically forms part of a broader Ayurveda program.

What is Ayurvedic massage?

Most kinds of Ayurvedic massage treatment for the body starts with a preliminary oil massage and might then proceed into a more specialized technique. The Ayurvedic massage strokes differ from deep to shallow and follow the flow of energy channels, nerve pathways, and hair development. There are three different types of moves – active (powerful pressure), passive (delicate stroking), and persuasive (pinching or kneading the little muscles with the thumb and forefinger).

Ahead of the Ayurvedic massage, the therapist focuses their energy using a brief balancing meditation and might recite a prayer. Just like a hypnotic dance, the therapist synchronizes their breathing with the receiver to be able to keep a deep interconnection. The whole body (except the genital area ) is tended to so as to bring about a feeling of whole-body orientation and integration.

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Ayurvedic massage types

What are the various sorts of Ayurvedic massage?

There are numerous types of Ayurvedic massage. Among some of the more popular treatments are:


Among the most traditional Ayurvedic remedies, Abhyanga utilizes friction-based strokes and hot dosha-specific oils. Since the oil is massaged into the skin, it penetrates the cells to loosen toxins at a cellular level. This kind of massage boosts circulation, boosts immune system function, and creates deep relaxation in the body and mind.


Gandharva combines touch with sound treatment to enhance energy flow. During this sort of massage, the therapist uses warm, herbal oils, and crystal singing bowls to vibrate and change the body’s cells. This treatment promotes energy and blissfulness.

Marmas and Chakras

Ayurvedic body massage is done with an acute awareness of the marmas and chakras. In Ayurveda, marmas are vital points like acupressure points. Appropriately manipulated, they revitalize the whole body. Though marmas are countless, there are 107 key ones located at the junctions where flesh, veins, arteries, tendons, joints, and bones meet, in addition to being the secondary chairs of subtle energy (Prana). It’s at these locations that pain and flaws tend to converge. Marmas are the points where the elemental life forces of air, fire, water, and earth unite.

The seven great marmas in Ayurvedic massage would be just like the main chakras. The seven chakras are vortexes of energy found over the vital endocrine glands. Every chakra nourishes specific organs and controls various psycho-physiological facets of our being.

Marma points are critical energy or life factors among the body, mind, and emotions. Throughout a marma massage, dosha-specific essential oils are combined with a light, circular touch to excite these energy points. Marma massage permeates the body’s internal healing system, manipulates subtle energy or prana, relieves stiff muscles, and promotes circulation.

Odyssey Ayurvedic Massage Treatment

This therapy includes five Ayurvedic procedures and is meant to work on the physical, mental, and energy systems. It’s done by a couple of massage therapists. It starts with Garshana, a dry-glove exfoliation which begins the detoxification procedure, stimulates the lymphatic system, and prepares skin to absorb the oils. Then comes Abhyanga, where the body is coated in warm herbalized oil from the scalp to toes with friction strokes that move the oil to the cells to loosen and dislodge ama (toxins). Then, the slow, deep, penetrating strokes of Vishesh promote comfort. The treatment concludes with Marma and chakra balancing, using dosha-specific essential oils.


Shirodhara is a meditative and tranquil treatment based on a soothing stream of warm oil that is lightly poured over the forehead and on the third eye chakra, the energetic center of instinct that is also called Ajna. This therapy is known to calm the central nervous system and integrate the body and mind. After undergoing Shirodhara, some say they feel a sense of relaxed awareness.


Pizichilli massage is a variation and is performed by two massage therapists. It’s also sometimes known as an “oil bath,” as constant hot streams of herbal oil are rhythmically smoothed within the body. This therapy warms, lubricates, and nourishes to boost circulation, eliminate toxins, and purify the body.

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– Vishesh 

Vishesh is another rhythmic massage therapy. It is the lymphatic herbal oil body treatment and utilizes slow strokes to elongate muscles that are contracted, break up adhesions, and help release deep-seated impurities. Little oil is used. If it follows Abhyanga massage, a lot of the surface oil is eliminated. This allows for a higher degree of friction on the skin and more in-depth access into the cells. After having a Vishesh massage, some say they feel light, loose, and relaxed.

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Ayurvedic massage for your Dosha type

In Ayurveda, Dosha imbalances are treated with their opposites. Accordingly, most Ayurvedic massages concentrate on countering an individual’s predominant dosha.

Kapha: When Kapha forms are in equilibrium, they’ve sturdy builds, energy, wholesome digestion, and a general sense of calm. Kaphas tend to approach life’s frustrations effortlessly and grace. Surplus Kapha dosha, however, may lead to lethargy, obesity, apathy, and depression. Digestion endures, and allergies and respiratory difficulties may emerge. Because of this, Kaphas can get stubborn and resistant to change.

Due to a lethargy bias, Kaphas frequently benefit from stimulating deep tissue massage, such as Vishesh.

Pitta: When in equilibrium, Pittas are inclined to be happy, friendly, and energetic. They tend to be of moderate size and weight and have robust digestion. The Pitta’s head is concentrated and sharp so long as it is in balance. Out of equilibrium, however, Pittas experience a lack of attention, increased stomach acid, which can lead to seizures, continuous thirst, irritability, temper outbursts, fever, and inflammation.

Ayurvedic massages like Abhyanga and Odyssey can help pacify Pittas by releasing toxins and calming their central nervous systems.

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– Vata: Vatas are generally always on the go and have an energetic and imaginative thought process. When Vatas are in equilibrium, they’ll be enthusiastic and lively, with a thin frame and fantastic agility. Energy comes in bursts, and they’re most likely to experience sudden bouts of fatigue. When the Vata dosha becomes uncontrollable, it manifests in the body as fat loss, hypertension, constipation, arthritis, fatigue, restlessness, and digestive challenges.

Shirodhara and Marma help to balance Vata : If someone receives an Ayurvedic massage that does not suit their dosha, it can cause a more significant imbalance both emotionally and physically.

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Ayurvedic massage health benefits

What Are the Benefits of Ayurvedic Massage?

As Ayurveda is prevention-oriented, so is Ayurvedic massage. Generally Speaking, Ayurvedic massage might help:

– Boost mind-body consciousness

– Boost the immune system

– Reduce stress

– Soothe the body and mind

– Help people who have medical conditions better their overall well-being

– Improve circulation

– Boost energy, rejuvenating, and healing

– Clear physiological and energetic pathways

– Produce deep comfort

– Detoxify and cleanse

– Maintain healthy people in good health

– Balance Vata, Pitta, and Kapha

– Promote healthy skin

Ideally, massage is combined with other Ayurveda fundamentals, such as diet and nourishment, and exercise, for maximum benefits.

Where to Find an Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massage is available in almost every city in the world. Many spas in the USA provide these specialized treatments. Just make sure to discover a licensed Ayurvedic massage therapist.

See: Ayurvedic herbs for digestion & gut health

If visiting a spa is not something you care for, you can give yourself an Abhyanga. A daily Abhyanga clinic is proven to restore the balance of the doshas, boost the immune system, and improve overall well-being and endurance. Normal Abhyanga relaxes Vata dosha imbalances, but everyone can benefit from it. Read about the steps to follow to get a self-massage practice.

Do it yourself Ayurvedic massage

In Ayurveda, massaging with oil can help to reinstate the balance of doshas, and enhance one’s well-being and endurance. As Ayurvedic massage is tailored to an individual’s wellbeing needs, it is generally considered beneficial and safe when done by an experienced person. Or, if you are going to do it yourself, make sure to use a dosha-balancing oil to your needs and read the directions for the self-Abhyanga before you begin.

Integrative therapies in Ayurvedic massage

Ayurvedic massage treatments’ calm approach means that recipients have an immediate relaxed state during the massage, an improvement in sleep patterns, and a sense of wellbeing. Ayurvedic massage could be carried out every day to keep at bay the ramifications that everyday stresses and strains can have on our bodies and minds.

Music therapy

Through an Ayurvedic massage, music is a really uplifting and meditative addition to the encounter. The music touches our most profound spiritual nature and nurtures creativity, intuition, stillness, silence, receptivity, softness, dreams, relaxation, creativity, and regeneration. Sound is only a vibration eliciting change in the types it flows through, our atoms literally ‘dance’ to the beat of their music. Ayurvedic music therapists have utilized the Ragas or melodies so as to dispel imbalances for centuries. These melodies were designed through the recognition of cosmic vibrations emitting from natural forces. Some Ragas used include Raga Hindol, Raga Pooriya, Raga Bhairavi, Raga Bhageswari, and Raga Jaijaivanti.

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Aromatherapy helps relax our millions of sense-detecting cells in an effortless state of comfort. The sense of smell is unique and is the only one that has a direct connection to the emotional center of the brain. Through an Ayurvedic massage, therefore, this provides aromas the capacity to evoke vivid impressions, conjure up memories, and trigger feelings. Everyone has a specific neuro-association linked to particular scents. It’s thus of utmost importance that the odor in a massage experience induces a favorable state in the inhaler.

Mantras for healing energy

Mantras are focused, specific sound vibrations, which cleanse delicate impurities in the mind and energy stations.  In Ayurveda, mantras are integrated to invoke specific healing energies or to clear particular blockages in the chakras.

Visualization therapy

Visualizations activate the brain’s capacity for change and renewal. Since the mind is extremely impressionable and receptive during massage therapy, due to the alpha brain wave state induced, it’s the best time to clear out weed-negative plant and beliefs positive-seed beliefs with conscious goals. Visualizations are a method of taking advantage of the old adage that whatever we conceive and sincerely believe in, we could achieve. The effectiveness of affirmations and visualizations have been used in Ayurveda and Yoga for centuries beneath the guise of Sankalpa.

– Ending the Ayurvedic Massage

An Ayurvedic massage session ends with a body scrub using grain or bean flours called ubtans (an Ayurvedic body cleanser is packed with essential herbs and minerals that yield healthy and fresh skin). These facilitate exfoliation, encourage oil removal, and stimulate circulation to produce a luminous complexion. A steam bath or room may also be offered to further heat the body and improve the massage oil absorption.

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Ayurvedic massage as part of therapy program

Where Ayurvedic massage is to form a part of a broader therapy program, a qualified Ayurveda specialist will evaluate your body’s dosha balance before embarking on any massage treatment to make certain you receive the most acceptable type of Ayurvedic massage to suit your needs. After investigating the condition of your cells, your body systems, preceding conditions, and psychological disposition, the perfect sort of Ayurvedic massage to your requirements will be advocated and then tailored to suit. Specific strokes, oils, music, marmas, chakras, affirmations, and guided visualizations are also formulated to improve the therapeutic effect of your Ayurvedic massage.

Ayurvedic massage vs. other massage types

How Is Ayurvedic Massage Different From Different Sorts of Massage?

Several factors put regenerative massage besides other kinds of massage, such as Thai and Swedish:

Ayurvedic Oils

In Ayurveda, the five components which are found in all living things–space, fire, air, water, and earth–are considered the building blocks of life. These combine to make three mind-body principles, called doshas, inside the body. These doshas are known as Vata (air, space), Pitta (fire, water), and Kapha (water, earth). Everyone inherits a unique mix of the three doshas, although one is usually more dominant. Ayurvedic practices balance of the doshas to regulate one’s physical and psychological wellbeing.

Through an Ayurvedic massage, organic oil blends are infused with Ayurvedic herbs and warmed to encourage detoxification and relaxation. The oils are selected to balance an individual’s dominant dosha. At the perfect temperature, these oils enter the body via the pores and skin, bind to the ama (toxins), and are discharged to detoxify the body. In contrast, Swedish massage incorporates oil primarily to alleviate relaxing strokes on the skin. And Thai massage uses no oil, and that’s the reason why people have the ability to leave their clothes on during this sort of massage.

Clearing energy channels

Ayurvedic massage therapist focuses on clearing the energy channels in the body, moving and dislodging toxins, and balancing the chakras (energy centers). Thai massage also works with the energy centers of the body. With Swedish massage, but the approach concentrates more on core anatomy and physiology instead of body energy lines.

Particular movements

The flow and style of an Ayurvedic massage are based on what an individual needs. Ayurvedic massage techniques such as tapping, kneading and squeezing, and traditional massage strokes are used. Movement flow can be rapid or drawn out, based on an individual’s needs. The general approach enhances circulation and lymphatic drainage. Variations of the Ayurvedic massage include having two therapists working on one person simultaneously.


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