What is Leukorrhea?
Leukorrhea is described as a vaginal discharge with whitish, yellow, or greenish caused by congestion or inflammation of the mucous membrane. It can arise from the vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, or most commonly from the cervix. The color of the discharge can vary, depending on the menstrual cycle. The release makes an unpleasant odor or raises a lot, which can indicate infections.
This frequent problem may occur due to unhygienic conditions, infection of the genital tract, or diminished immune function. In Ayurveda, Leucorrhoea is called ShvetaPradar, where Shveta means ‘white,’ and Pradar means ‘release.’ Leukorrhoea therapy in Ayurveda is more effective since it assesses all aspects during identification. One of the symptoms identified most frequently by women is vaginal discharge. Leukorrhea doesn’t result in mortality or morbidity in susceptible women, but it may cause a tremendous extent of mental strain or sometimes the fear of failure to conceive.
What are the different discharge types?
Vaginal Discharge Color Types
– Yeast Infection: Yeast infection discharge can be caused by an overgrowth of the fungus in the uterus. Symptoms include a thick, cottage cheese-like discharge, together with irritation, itching, redness, and burning. Around 90 percent of women may have a yeast infection at some time in their life. Yeast infections aren’t contagious, and over-the-counter antifungal creams can be found for one to use. But if symptoms do not improve with treatment or she’s more than four yeast infections in a year, she must visit her doctor.
– Yellow discharge: Yellow discharge is an abnormal release, as it is a sign of a bacterial infection or sexually transmitted disease. Additionally, there may be an odor associated with it.
– Thick, White Discharge: When thick, white discharge goes along with other symptoms, such as itching, burning, and irritation, it’s most likely because of yeast infection. If not, it’s normal discharge.
– Brown Discharge: Brown discharge may result from irregular period cycles. If brownish discharge keeps appearing, a patient must schedule an appointment with a doctor. This discharge might be a symptom of uterine or cervical cancer. Furthermore, during menopause, a woman should have no vaginal bleeding, which can be a symptom of uterine cancer.
– Green Discharge: Having a green discharge isn’t normal. This is an indication of a bacterial infection or a sexually transmitted disease, such as trichomoniasis. Anyone undergoing green discharge should visit her supplier. If you’re diagnosed with trichomoniasis, you are going to be put on antibiotics.
Lekcorrhoea Causes & Symptoms
Leukorrhoea can occur during the menstrual period in young women due to the thickening of the mucous membrane in the reproductive organs. Hormonal and metabolical ailments are also responsible for the illness. Ayurveda considers that leukorrhoea results from Kapha’s vitiation; it occurs commonly among weak and anemic girls. It can also result from the inflammation of the uterus following childbirth, displacement of the uterus, or gonorrhea.
Leukorrhoea Symptoms
The discharge is often white and the flow may stiffen the linen or just leave back a hint of white powder or scales.
Typically discharge emanates from the uterine cavity or vagina. In the catarrhal or idiopathic range of leucorrhoea, the release is in a liquid and mild form. A burning sensation can occur along with constipation. There seems to be a direct connection of the disorder with a nervous temperament. The individual develops black patches under the eyes. The release from the uterus is often from the uterine cavity. There’s also a weakness in addition to pain in the pelvic area and the calves.
Ayurvedic View of Leukorrhea
According to Ayurveda, Leukorrhea could be correlated with ‘Shweta Pradera.’ The Kapha Dosha is the key causative element for any discharge. This aggravation of the Kapha dosha creates painless and white vaginal discharge because of its liquid land dominance. Besides, the Rasadhatu of the reproductive system is vitiated. The causative factors responsible for this are prolonged coitus, unhealthy lifestyle, abortion, and ritukala, along with non-cleanness of the vagina.
The leading causes, according to Ayurveda, are:
Viruddhahara- Unhealthy food
Madyapana- Alcohol intake
Adhyashana- Indigestion
Ajeerna- Undigested food
Shoka- Grief and anxiety
Ashuchi- Unhygienic actions and infection
Leukorrhoea home remedies
A proper diagnosis of this disease has to be made and the cause removed. Along with the medication prescribed, a routine douching of the genital tract with the decoction of the bark of this banyan tree or the fig tree is quite helpful. A tablespoon of all the powders of the two trees’ barks should be boiled in a liter of water until it’s reduced to approximately half.
– Douching with lukewarm decoction keeps the vaginal tract clean and safe.
– Coriander seeds: The home remedy used in this problem will be to boil about 10 gm of sterile coriander(dhania) in 100 ml of water overnight and drink water in the morning. It usually gives relief
in seven to eight days.
– Fenugreek seeds: Fenugreek seeds are beneficial in leukorrhoea. They ought to be taken internally in the kind of tea and also used as a douche. As a douche, the solution should be a lot stronger than tea. Two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds should be set in a liter of cold water and allowed to simmer for 30 minutes on a low flame. The decoction should then be used as a douche and strained.
– Diet: Fried and spicy foods must be avoided. The individual should be encouraged to chew Betel nut (supari) following meals: it’s a curative effect and prevents the disease’s growth.
– Other measures: A cold hip wash, taken for 10 minutes twice a day, will help alleviate congestion in the pelvic area and facilitate quick removal of morbid matter.
Ayurvedic Remedies for Leukorrhea
In Ayurveda, Leukorrhea therapy includes organic herbs and medicines that could help prevent the digestive fire of their human body to be able to cleanse the accumulated toxins and balance the aggravated Kapha. Ayurvedic medications also support and assist in raising the digestive fire in the body. Additionally, it gets rid of the toxins in the body and balances the vitiated doshas. This balancing of doshas offers strength to the female reproductive system. It retains the female’s organs healthy and infection-free.
Ayurvedic healing remedies for leukorrhea
Pushyanug Churna: Twice daily, 5-10 gm.
Patrangasava: Twice daily, 15-30 ml after meals with Chandraprabhavati: 2 pills with a glass of milk in the mornings and evenings.
– Dry Indian Gooseberry(amla) and liquorice(mulethi) in equal amounts, powdered and mixed with thrice the number of honey is an effective medication for this disease.
– Pradrantak lauh: 1 gm thrice daily. To be taken with honey.