What are Cancer care wellness plans?
Cancer care wellness plans are simply the starting point for helping people who have cancer following treatment to get and remain healthy. Cancer care wellness plans are made by holistic experts to assist cancer survivors to live a healthy lifestyle. It introduces the notion of cancer survivorship to clients receiving active cancer treatment while promoting health, reducing strain and fatigue, and preparing clients for life after cancer therapy. The cancer care health plans do all this through education targeted at nutrition, exercise, stress management, and smoking cessation.
Clients receive counseling about the long-term advantages of lifestyle modifications in an attempt to create well-equipped cancer survivors. Exercise classes, dietary advice and guided imagery classes, yoga, massage, meditation, acupuncture, and other therapies can help. It is up to cancer survivors to do their role in living a healthy lifestyle. It is up to them to be sure that they make healthy dining choices. It is up to them to be sure they get the recommended minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise every week.
If you’re diagnosed with cancer, you will find supportive treatments that might improve the body’s ability to fight cancer. These holistic therapies may also help traditional cancer treatments work more efficiently. Integrative physicians see cancer as a metabolic and hereditary disorder that has grown over time. Integrative, holistic medicine combines conventional and adjunctive complementary remedies to restore the person to a higher state of health and enhance the quality of life. Whereas conventional medicine will concentrate on treating the tumor, the holistic approach to cancer therapy is to focus on the individual and outcome.
Integrative doctors work in conjunction with the client’s conventional cancer therapy for necessary surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy, then puts the focus on encouraging the individual with secure, adjunctive therapies. The integrative approach offers complimentary, supportive, and unique therapies customized to each individual’s needs to improve the body’s innate ability to heal. You can gain a better quality of life while undergoing treatment. The individual is an active participant in the healing procedure.
A cancer diagnosis is frightening and devastating.
Holistic therapy professionals provide a supportive hand to accompany you
through the journey to fight, to survive, and to flourish. Integrative,
holistic medicine works together with traditional medical treatments to restore
the person to a higher state of health and standard well-being. This is the aim
and our strategy for cancer prevention and cancer supportive care.
The supportive care and treatment by holistic
professionals are based on the information obtained from your physicians and
medical care group regarding your immune status, nutritional status, chronic
infection, and underlying allergies or toxins. Targeted and individualized
holistic therapies will be offered by integrative and holistic practitioners.
Non-invasive and natural remedies focusing on
raising energy, appetite, and strengthening the immune system will operate
together with modern medical technology to deliver the best possible outcome.
Holistic therapies strive to satisfy the physical and psychological needs of
the clients and their families.
Integrative, Complementary & Alternative Cancer Care Therapies
- Client-focused
- Safe and non-toxic remedies
- Treating the whole person
- Integrating the best care options to improve
quality of life - Provides supportive care for the body
Integrative holistic cancer care wellness programs may
– Ayurveda: Ayurveda is an ancient healing system and
conventional medicine that’s been used in India for centuries. It focuses on
balance and harmony among the brain, spirit, environment, and cosmos. Illness is
viewed as an imbalance between an individual’s doshas and many other things,
such as personal relationships, diet, and lifestyle. Ayurveda’s key aim is to
restore balance and strength between the doshas to arrive at stability and
wellness. This is done using a number of approaches.
– Acupuncture: Promotes your built-in ability to heal by inserting
fine needles into the body using ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine
– Art therapy: Provides a way that will assist you to unwind
through creative activities, as well as express and explore your emotions and
– Integrative practitioner consultation: Includes a review of your medical history, past treatments,
assessing goals, and treatment planning, which comprises the best approaches
for your well-being.
– Massage therapy: Includes gentle massage of soft body tissues to
enhance the function of those tissues, improve body mechanics and flexibility,
and encourage relaxation.
– Mind-body services: Provides a place for you to go over your feelings
about your own situation, get support, and learn how to use methods (such as
relaxation, guided imagery, and hypnotherapy) to deal with your symptoms,
mitigate the unwanted effects of therapy, reduce anxiety, and improve recovery.
– Nutrition counseling: Sessions using a registered dietitian to evaluate
your eating habits, provide instruction and make a plan to increase therapy,
build your strength, reduce the chance of disease by nourishing your body.
Changing the Internal Environment
Integrative therapy focuses on the individual –
soul, mind, and body. The focus of therapy is to modify the internal body &
mind environment from one that promotes cancer growth to one that promotes
recovery and encourages healthy cells. It combats the tumor from inside by
activating the immune system and starving cancer. This strategy helps address the root cause(s) of
illness. Where possible and utilizes powerful, intelligent strategies to disarm
the developing cancer elements unrelenting growth.
The holistic model of cancer care wellness tries to:
> Starve cancer while encouraging the nutritional
needs of The remainder of the body
> Inhibit the cancer
> Detoxify the body
> Oxygenate the cells of the body to shut down the
> Boost the immune system function so the body can
better fight the cancer
Please be aware that while holistic practitioners
have training and expertise in cancer care side effects management and
treatment, they are not oncologists. They will actively coordinate its services
with a client’s oncologist and other
treating doctors to ensure clients have
an active staff supporting their care.
Treatment Options for Potential Underlying Factors
Cancer can affect people on many levels and is a
multi-factorial and complicated disease. Experts consider several factors to be
important in treating cancer, and a comprehensive evaluation or “complete
picture of the individual” is an essential first step.
Cancer develops over time, so the wellness plans
rely on addressing possible underlying health problems that might have
contributed to the evolution of the disease. Factors like toxic compounds, immune
system problems, chronic infections, nutrient deficiencies or imbalances,
anxiety and unresolved psycho-emotional issues will need to be assessed and
considered in treating the entire person.
Integrative & Holistic Cancer Treatment Wellness Plans
Starve the cancer
Sugar feeds cancer cells. Starving the cancer cells of sugar by withdrawing the origin of food can help.
Special anti-cancer diet
Scientific evidence from Positron emission
tomography (PET) scans reveal most cancer cells take more sugar (glucose) than
healthy tissue
Detoxify the body
Cancer evolves over some time under the stress of
accumulated toxins. Detoxification is vital for successful cancer therapy.
Laboratory testing to evaluate the environmental or
chemical toxicities
Discovering and removing environmental and food
Restoring natural flora into the gut
> A whole-body detoxification program to allow
different therapies to operate effectively
Strengthen the immune system
Cancer is an immune deficiency condition. Support
and strengthen the immune system so that it can do its job.
- Assess immune status with innovative laboratory
evaluations - Detect and remove chronic infections like
yeast/Candida, Lyme Disease - Reduce tissue inflammation and promote healing
- Boost immune defense to cancer
Cancer is a malnutrition condition
Correct nutritional deficiencies. Vitamin and
mineral deficiencies and nutrient status provide an assessment of what is going
on at the cellular level.
- Laboratory test to determine any nutrient
imbalance - A comprehensive anti-cancer diet plan
Optimal nutrition foods, supplementation to
correct imbalances
Emotional healing and spiritual support
Cancer is a whole-body disorder involving the body, mind, and soul. A caring practitioner can help navigate through sickness as an opportunity to regain the stability of mind, body, and soul.
The disease has a psycho-emotional element that can play a role in curing it by:
- detecting emotional trauma or potential stress triggers for cancer
- relieving stress through support and meditation
- using biological, and psycho-emotional support to recover harmony of mind/body/spirit