
Ragi malt or porridge with almond milk

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How This Helps

Ragi or red millet is a low-glycemic grain and is ideal for any type 2 diabetic meal plans.  It is also a rich source of iron. Ragi malt is typically made with whole milk and sugar but this version with almond milk is a low-carb version. We do not need any sweeteners for this but if preferred any natural sugar alternatives like palm sugar can be added. Almond milk is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are the good fats needed to balance the  balance the  good cholesterol and bad cholesterol ratio in our body.   This is an ideal low-calorie and low-carb breakfast and also can be made for a filling evening snack.


Ingredients (for 2 cups of porridge):
1.  Ragi flour, 2 tablespoons.
2. Almond milk, 1 cup.
3. Water 1-1/2 cups.
4. Cardamom powder, 1/4 teaspoon.
5. Any sweetener of choice like Stevia, coconut palm sugar or jaggery, 1-2 teaspoons, depending upon preferred sweetness level.

Start by boiling the almond milk and a cup of water along with the cardamom powder.  Whisk the ragi flour along with 1/2 cup of water and slowly add this to the boiling almond milk and water. Cook the porridge on low flame until the porridge thickens to the desired consistency. If needed, more water can be added at this stage to make it a little runny. Add the sweetener now and serve hot with chopped nuts and dry fruits as garnish.

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