Case History: Severe Weeping Eczema: This patient flew to our office from Wyoming. She was suffering tremendously with severe eczema over her entire body. She had been to dermatologists whose only answer was to suppress the symptoms with cortisone creams. She then got a second opinion from a holistic practitioner who tried to get to the root of the problem by using various vitamins, glutathione, turmeric and amino acids. He also put her on milk thistle to clean out her liver. The problem here was that he unwittingly made her problem worse by heating the liver with synthetic vitamins and a liver cleanse which also heated the liver. In addition, while turmeric is a blood purifier and anti-inflammatory, it too contains heat and is therefore best used cooked into food and not used as a supplement.The skin is an organ of elimination, just doing what it knows how to do: processing toxins via the sweat. The ancient doctors of India described how the skin is also a reflection of deeper issues going on in the blood and the liver. If the toxins in the blood are overheated as they come out, these type of skin conditions will erupt.