Therapy Suggested for ADD Treatment without Medication:
Exercise: Swimming and martial arts classes. Magnesium Citrate Powder or Kids Calm recommended for mood swings and restlessness.
Lemon Balm for symptoms of anxiety and disruptive behavior.
Fish Oil, Saint John’s Wort and Ginkgo Biloba to regulate physical and psychological symptoms of ADHD.
Magnesium oil in bath for detoxification purposes.
Dietary Recommendations: Gluten free diet. Include more seafood in the diet, as well as fruits, vegetables . Eliminate candy and foods with high sugar content. No dairy, wheat, junk food or fried foods.
Lifestyle Changes: A calmer environment. Less shuttling back and forth to parent’s homes. More interactive play with children in patient’s age group.
See: Probiotics in Yogurt can improve brain function by altering the intestinal microflora
Management & Outcome after Holistic Approach to ADHD Treatment: Within six weeks of treatment there was a noticeable improvement in patient’s behavior with ability to concentrate better at school. His period of restless sleep patterns also subsided. Patient also felt more optimistic about his future. Type Of Outcome: Patient’s grades in school improved after six months of vitamin supplementation and suggested therapies. Patient was able to cope up better about his parents divorce. From a scale of 1-10, patient presented at a 4 and improved to a 9.
See my article on holistic approach to treatment for ADHD/ADD without medication and using natural therapies:
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