Complaints: Right surgery due to fracture. Neck, occiput, and
low back pain with sciatica from herniated disc of 3-5 mm. Burisitis in left
hip. Daily stomach cramp and hay fever with itchy eyes and sinusitis. Tension headache,
difficult sleeping, flatulence, prone to anger, and hair falling out easily. Cigarette
addiction. Pruritis with intense skin itch and bumps.
Acupuncture: Left-side Yang horary points in Metal-Order of
LI1, UB66, GB41, SI5, and ST36 with Wood points LI3, SI3, UB65, and ST43 for a Lesser
Yang primary and Greater Yang secondary constitution (aka Soyangin in Sasang, Pitta-Vata
in Ayurveda, Sanguine and Damp-Warm in Unani, Influence in DiSC, ENTP in
Myers-Briggs, and Achievement in Need Theory). Patient was advised to reduce warming
and dampening foods such as chicken, turmeric, ginger, dairy, nuts, and onion. Cooling
and drying foods such as celery, cucumber, seafood, pork, lettuce, and cabbage.
Treatment process: The patient had twice a week acupuncture for
24 visits. Each treatment was immediately helpful for both mind and body. All symptoms
had further improved weekly with less intensity, frequency, and duration. After
16th visit, the patient stopped smoking and had minimal withdrawal.
By the 24th visit at twice a week, all symptoms were gone by at
least 90%.
Discussion: This patient will be going back to work in a few
days. She is encouraged to see her mind, physiology, and body are up to the
Here’s a list the patient brought on the first visit. Most
of the symptoms were gone after 4 months of acupuncture and dietary adjustment.
1. Fatigue
chronic? Everyday
2. Hard
time concentrating.
3. Skin
eruptions on arms, face, neck and chest.
4. Insomnia
– unable to fall asleep and stay asleep.
5. Constipation
– occasional.
6. Gas
7. Hair
8. Nails
– weak and brittle.
9. Smoking
– sometimes and binge
10. Easily
11. Tongue
stuck to the roof of the mouth.
12. Oily
skin – very
13. Unable
to relax
14. Hair
on chin and neck?
15. Sex drive
16. Headaches
17. Everything
hurts- joints, muscles, and bones. Feelings easily hurt. Angry sometimes.
18. Dry
lips and eyes
19. Eye
lashes falling out.
20. When
resting unable to stop thoughts.