
Homeopathy For Nasal Allergies

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How This Helps

Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies each year. The number of workdays lost each year as a result of hay fever (another name for Nasal Allergies) is 4 million. Common symptoms include sneezing, itching in nose and eyes, watery nose and eyes, and stuffy feeling in the nose. Nasal Allergy is simply an inflammatory, over-reaction of one’s immunity to different allergens. These allergens could be dust mites, pollen, mold, strong perfumes, etc. As you may guess, one becomes susceptible to having allergies when natural immunity in the body suffers. Homeopathy is famous for its role in building up immunity, helps profoundly in curbing symptoms of nasal allergies as also in curing them.

Science and Research

Homeopathy allergy remedies change from patient to patient, depending upon the magnitude of their sufferings. For milder symptoms, consider irrigating (washing) your nose with saline water. The solution can even be prepared at home. As the trouble intensifies you may need to grab some antihistamines from the pharmacy. In the case of a stuffy nose, decongestants can help give fast relief. Steroidal nasal sprays are generally prescribed in an acute uncontrolled flare-up or when the disease has taken a chronic course. Beware! Use them only under the guidance of a doctor. If mold, mildew, or dust mite, are among your identified allergen, put to use a home dehumidifier.

What causes nasal allergies?

Causes of Nasal Allergies

Among the most common cause of hay fever is an allergy to plant, grass, or tree pollens. However, identical symptoms may result from inhaling fungal spores, dust, or animal hair. When the hay fever symptoms are seasonal, the appearance’s timing is based upon the dust type that causes an allergic reaction in the victim. The initial pollens to appear annually are tree pollens, leading to hay fever in early spring, depending upon how severe the winter was. Later in the season, grass pollens look for a brief period; they are subsequently followed by ragweed pollen.

For many, seasonal allergies may feel painful, suffocating, or just like a cold that lasts all season long. The best time of year is often full of anticipation and weighing the pros, cons of decongestants. Luckily, homeopathic medicine is a natural and reliable alternative to not just address seasonal symptoms but with long-term maintenance experience a complete eradication of allergies. The following list of the best indicated and dependable homeopathic remedies to keep on hand this allergy season!

Hay fever is characterized by coughing, runny nose, watery eyes, itching, congestion, eyes and nose, and sinus pressure. It might be more accurately characterized by the pockets stuffed with cells, the constant tossing and turning as the nasal congestion moves out of one nostril to the other, exhausting fits of coughing.

Fungal spores are abundant in the atmosphere from mid summers until late autumn. The most likely allergens present in the atmosphere throughout the year may also lead to problems from time to time and appear to cause seasonal symptoms.

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Nasal allergies natural remedies

Combating nasal allergies the natural way

Diet can have a crucial role to play in combating nasal allergies. Avoid all food items that can hamper your immunity (like processed food) and include immunity enhancing food to the maximum extent (like fresh fruit and vegetables, Vitamin E & C rich foods). 

As the saying goes, ‘Prevention is better than cure’, keeping yourself away from the allergen as much as possible can minimize allergy attacks. For example, replacing carpet with wooden or vinyl floor, keeping the pets away outside the house, vacuum-cleaning soft furniture and curtains, frequently cleaning shower curtains, bathroom windows, damp walls, areas with dry rot and indoor trash cans can be of significant help.

In my clinical practice, I generally encounter two types of patients:

a) ones who have nasal allergy problems only occasionally (like at the change of season, on exposure to the allergen, etc.) and b) others, who have perennial suffering.

For those belonging to the first category, required Homeopathic allergy remedies are of shorter duration as compared to the latter.

Homeopathic medicines for nasal allergies

Some Homeopathic allergy relief I have seen act best in case of Nasal Allergies are: 

Allium Cepa helps treat copious watery discharge from the nose and eyes; while, the nasal discharge causes burning, on the skin it touches, the discharge from the eyes is bland. There is frequent and violent sneezing, particularly on entering a warm room. It is interesting to note that Allium Cepa is prepared from red onion and that peeling and cutting them produce similar symptoms. Euphrasia takes care of just the opposite symptoms, that is, burning discharge from the eyes and bland from the nose.

Histaminum– the Homeopathic anti-histamine drug is used to combat symptoms of various kinds of allergies. It is a recently added Homeopathic allergy relief to the Homeopathic Materia Medica. 

Sabadilla manages spasmodic sneezing and lachrymation on going into open air especially when associated with frontal headache.

Bacillinum and Calcarea Carb are known potent Homeopathic remedies for curing chronic cases of Nasal allergies.

Scientific studies in nasal allergies


– Certain studies suggest that Quercetin, a flavonoid (plant pigment) that gives fruits and vegetables their color, stops the production and release of histamine, when experimented with, in test tubes. However, there is no evidence yet that Quercetin would work the same way in humans.

– Researches with Spirulina have been limited to test-tube experiments and on animals. It is a type of blue-green algae, which may help protect against harmful allergic reactions. Spirulina stops the release of histamine, which contributes to symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Researchers don’t know whether it would work in humans.

– Both Vitamin C and Vitamin E are powerful antioxidants and can calm portions of the immune system that are involved in allergic reactions. But, it still needs further research.

– The role of probiotics in treating nasal allergy also needs further study. Experiments with ‘Lactobacillus acidophilus’ strain, a type of “friendly” bacteria, show that it helps reduce allergic reaction to pollen.


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