
Ginger Tea Benefits & Side Effects

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What is ginger tea?

Ginger has been used globally as a pure cure-all for everything from malaria to hair loss, but it is most commonly heralded as a remedy for digestive issues. Ginger grows in hot climates worldwide. Many cultures in cooking and medicine have used the spicy, aromatic origin of the ginger plant.

Many people use it as a spice or consume it with sushi, but ginger may also be made into tea. All you will need to do is steep a tablespoon of freshly grated ginger in a pint of boiling water, and you have yourself two tasty servings of ginger tea! Researchers continue to find more applications for this hot, fragrant root due to the huge assortment of gastrointestinal problems.

Scientists are particularly curious about whether ginger can relieve acid reflux and symptoms of eczema. A 2011 research study found that participants who took ginger supplements demonstrated decreased levels of inflammation within a month. This may be due to the phenolic compounds in ginger, which may alleviate stomach discomfort. Phenols are also proven to reduce gastric contractions, which may allow the acid in the stomach to flow up into the esophagus.

Ginger has been around for centuries to spice up the food and heal ailments. Ginger is the flowering plant of the Zingiberaceae family, which is native to Asia. Its root, or stem, adds flavor to several kinds of cuisine but is also an ancient herbal remedy for a range of ailments. Drinking ginger tea can help with everything from motion sickness to cancer prevention. Presently, India and China produce most of the world’s ginger as it grows best in warm, moist places. The aromatic, spicy origin has been used in both western and traditional healing systems to produce tea. Ginger tea brings with it a range of powerful health benefits.

Ginger tea benefits

Ginger Tea’s Healing Effects

Researchers say that the active, volatile oils and pungent phenol compounds, like gingerols and shogaols, give ginger its power, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Tea made from ginger contains high levels of vitamin C and amino acids, in addition to various trace elements like calcium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, and many others. Drinking ginger tea can:

• Help alleviate an upset stomach

• Assist with irritable bowel syndrome

• Assist the body to absorb nutrients

• Help with weight loss

• Help fight cancer

• Increases the production of gastric juice

• Help manage glucose levels

• Open inflamed airways

• Improve blood circulation

• Reduce arthritic inflammation

• Relieve menstrual discomfort

• Stimulate appetite

• Enhance the food digestion

• Relieve stress

• Protect against Alzheimer’s Disease

Ayurveda teaches that ginger tea has a strong antispasmodic action. Ginger tea can marginally increase Pitta dosha, So avoid drinking large amounts if your Pitta is out of equilibrium.

Ginger Tea and the Doshas

Ginger tea’s healing qualities make it useful for treating Vata imbalances, such as digestive problems. It improves all three stages of gastrointestinal function (digestion, absorption, and elimination). Throughout cool weather, sip warm ginger tea throughout the day. During warmer weather, take a cup in the morning or prior to a meal. Ginger intensifies the digestive fire (Agni), so the Kapha dosha may detect drinking ginger tea – 2 to 3 cups per day, especially before meals – useful to help stimulate slow digestion and sharpen dull taste buds. Here are just some of the known ginger tea benefits.

Motion sickness: Ginger tea helps calm motion sickness symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and cold sores. Most research client hasn’t been able to show some efficacy; motion sickness medication works best. One older study did reveal that ginger helped reduce motion sickness.

Nausea from morning sickness or chemotherapy: Some experts believe the active elements in ginger — volatile oils and phenol compounds known as gingerols — can help relieve nausea brought on by chemotherapy, pregnancy, or surgery. Researchers suggest that ginger may be a rewarding alternative to conventional anti-nausea drugs in people that are pregnant or undergoing chemotherapy and can not have or tolerate the typical drugs.

Blood pressure and heart healthResearch has suggested that ginger intake can be protective against cardiovascular disease. The pungent herb may help lower blood pressure, prevent heart attacks, prevent blood clots, relieve heartburn, lower cholesterol, improve blood circulation

Weight and blood sugar control: A study from Columbia University between 10 obese men discovered that drinking hot ginger tea increased their feelings of reduced hunger and fullness. A review of the research indicates that ginger might be effective in managing obesity. However, the majority of the experiments have been rat studies, which suggest that ginger can help prevent obesity and obesity-related complications. Ginger may help improve blood glucose control, reduce A1C, insulin, and triglycerides among individuals with type 2 diabetes, some researchTrusted Supply indicates.

Pain relief: Ginger has been used to heal inflammation for many centuries, and this clinic now has a body of scientific evidence behind it. Several studies have shown to help alleviate pain from osteoarthritis of the knee. Ginger tea may also help Alleviate menstrual cramps, sore muscles,  headaches, and other forms of pain.

Immune support and cancer prevention: It is believed that the antioxidants in ginger can help strengthen your immunity and decrease stress. Inhaling the steam from ginger tea can also help relieve nasal congestion and other respiratory difficulties from the common cold or environmental allergies. Research has shown that ginger can also help prevent cancer. In the laboratory, ginger has been shown to combat several unique kinds of cancer cells, such as pancreatic cancer and colon cancer.

Ginger tea precautions & side effects

Ginger tea side effects

Ginger tea can be a delicious, energizing beverage in moderation. Ginger tea doesn’t appear to have serious side effects. For one thing, it would be tricky to drink enough of the tea to expose yourself to anything harmful or bothersome. You don’t need to eat more than 4 g of ginger per day.

Many people believe ginger may increase bile production, but there isn’t any proof of this. Nonetheless, it’s a great idea to consult your health care provider before using ginger tea when you’ve got a history of gallbladder issues.

One possible minor side effect of drinking ginger tea is heartburn or stomach upset, very similar to the way you feel when you eat chilies or other hot foods. You may mistake this annoyance to get a ginger allergy. But you might have an allergy to ginger if you encounter a rash or discomfort in your stomach or mouth after drinking ginger tea.

Ginger may help lower blood pressure so that you may experience lightheadedness as a side effect. Ginger also contains salicylates, the compound in aspirin that acts as a blood thinner. This compound may cause problems for individuals with bleeding disorders. You would need to consume more than the recommended 4 g of ginger per day to experience that result. According to some sources, 4 g of ginger (or less than two tablespoons) per day is regarded as the daily maximum. For those who have acid reflux or other conditions or are taking medication, you might have to consume less or prevent it entirely.

Although ginger can aid digestion, drinking a lot of the tea can cause an upset stomach and loose stools in some individuals. Avoid drinking ginger tea just before bed or at night when you have insomnia or see that it keeps you up. Ginger can slow blood clotting, so it should be prevented at least fourteen days before or after surgery. It should not be taken with anticoagulant or anti-platelet drugs or supplements or individuals with bleeding disorders. 

Consult your doctor if you are pregnant, nursing, or have another condition before drinking ginger tea. If you’ve got high blood pressure, gallstones, heartburn, acid reflux, or diabetes, talk to your health care provider before drinking it regularly. Ginger tea should not be used as a substitute for regular care in treating a health condition.

How to make ginger tea

Chop a peeled (or unpeeled, but washed thoroughly!) 2-inch bit of ginger into rough pieces and put in a two – to the 3-quart kettle with one quart of purified water. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat, allowing the tea to simmer for 15 minutes. Strain the tea and shop in a thermos bottle or glass jar.

To make a single cup of ginger tea, Have a piece of fresh, whole, peeled ginger root and grate one heaping teaspoon, or cut into small pieces. Stir the ginger gently into a cup of boiling water and let simmer for two minutes. Strain or allow the ginger to sit at the bottom of the cup. Allow the tea cool for two minutes and then drink. Your body will soon reap the many health benefits of ginger.


Although you probably should not go overboard with it, ginger tea is a simple, delicious, and natural means to promote decent health. You could also simply sit back with a hot mug and enjoy it along with the numerous health benefits. Most ginger studies are restricted to its nausea-reducing effects, so there’s certainly room for more research on ginger’s effectiveness against GERD or acid reflux and heartburn. However, there’s no denying that cultures worldwide have been using ginger to soothe digestive ailments for generations.

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