
Healthy Oatmeal Pancakes with Homemade Hummus

Table of Contents

How This Helps

Oats are one of the best foods to control blood glucose levels as they contain soluble fibers, beta-glucans, which reduces the excessive sugar in your blood. These fibers also decrease the release of carbohydrates in your blood and make you feeling fuller for longer durations. Moreover, chickpeas in this recipe, have a very low glycemic index and they are a very common food in countries that have a low diabetes incidence.

Chickpeas decreases the risk of being overweight but they also decrease the risk of heart disease, diabetes and overall mortality. On the other hand chickpeas incredible ingredients make your hair and skin healthy and radiant, increase your energy level and help you to lose weight. Minerals from chickpeas contribute to the building and maintaining of bone structure and strength.


1/4 : : 
cup: : 
cottage cheese: : 

1 : : 
medium: : 
egg: : 

2/3 : : 
cup: : 
whole grain oats: : 

1/2 : : 
teaspoon: : 
baking powder: : 

1/4 : : 
cup: : 
water: : 

1/2 : : 
teaspoon: : 
olive oil: : 

1/2 : : 
teaspoon: : 
vanila extract: : 

dash : : 
of: : 
cinnamon: : 


Preparation for Oatmeal and Cheese Pancakes:
1.First step is the blending of oats and baking powder until they’re as fine as flour. 
2. Blend cottage cheese, eggs, water, vanilla, oil and cinnamon until smooth (you previously need to empty the  blender). Mix wet ingredients with the dry ingredients and stir to combine.
3. Last step is frying. Put 1 teaspoon of oil to the pan and spread 1/4 cup of batter onto a hot pan. Cook each side of the pancake for about 3 min (or until bubbles begin to appear on the surface).
Hummus recipe (Serves 3-4)
400g cans of chickpeas (keep the liquid and a few chickpeas for decoration)
2 tsp tahini
1 garlic cloves, crushed
½ tsp crushed sea salt
3 tbsp quality extra virgin olive oil (plus extra for drizzling)
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
Coriander or parsley leaves 
Hummus Recipe Preparation:
First step is to put rinsed out chickpeas, tahini, crushed garlic, salt, lemon juice and three tablespoons of the saved liquid from the chickpeas can in the blender. Start blending and gradually add oil (little by little). Add chopped coriander or parsley and paprika till the mixture is smooth and your hummus is ready. 
Oatmeal Cheese Pancakes Nutrition Information:
No. of serving: 1  
Size of serving: 2 pancake with+ 1/6 of hummus
Calories 512
Total Fat 20 g
Total Carbohydrate 60,2 g    
Dietary Fiber 10 g  
Protein 23,2 g  
Vitamin A 196 IU
Vitamin C 10 mg
Calcium 140 mg
Iron 5 mg
Phosphorus 468 mg
Folic Acid 121 mcg
Thiamin 0,5 mg
Niacin 1 mg
Riboflavin 0,35 mg
Magnesium 227,6 mg

Science and Research

Healthy Oatmeal Pancakes Benefits:
Sesame( main ingredient of tahini paste) can prevent migraine attacks, can make breathing easier for people with asthma, and helps in solving insomnia in menopausal women. Sesame can facilitate the symptoms of PMS.
-Garlic is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory as well as its anti-carcinogenic effects. 
-Lemon juice is primarily a source of one of the most powerful antioxidants. Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron from plant sources. 
-Cottage cheese is a great (and very low in calories) source of proteins and minerals like calcium.
-Cinnamon is also one ingredient with a lot of proven health benefits like: it reduces the risk of heart disease, has anti-diabetic properties (reduces sugar levels in the blood), helps fight bacterial and fungal infections and is loaded with powerful antioxidants.

Among the many health benefits of oatmeal, I will mention: reduction in systolic blood pressure, lowering concentrations of LDL cholesterol, oats make people feel satisfied and full, can improve insulin sensitivity and helps to cut use of laxatives. 

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