
Sinus Treatment In Ayurveda

Table of Contents

What is sinusitis?

Chronic sinusitis occurs when the spaces inside the nose and head (sinuses) are swollen and inflamed for three months or more, despite treatment. This common condition interferes with how mucus usually drains and makes your nose stuffy. Breathing through your nose could be a challenge, and the area around your eyes may feel bloated or tender. Chronic sinusitis can be caused by growth in the sinuses (nasal polyps), swelling of the lining of your sinuses, or an infection. The condition can affect adults and children.

Sinusitis Symptoms

Common signs of chronic sinusitis include:

– Nasal obstruction or obstruction, causing difficulty breathing through your nose

– Thick, discolored discharge from the nose

– Nasal inflammation

– Drainage down the backside of the throat or post-nasal drainage

– Pain and swelling around your nose or forehead

– Reduced sense of smell and taste

– Ear pain

– Aching on your upper jaw and teeth

– Cough or throat clearing

– Sore throat

– Bad breath

– Fatigue

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How sinus issues develop

Sinus issues are actually brought on by an inherent imbalance in Prana Vata (the sub dosha of Vata that modulates the brain, head, and also the mind) and Shleshaka Kapha (a sub dosha of Kapha, which modulates lubrication and moisture equilibrium ).

When these two sub-doshas are concurrently imbalanced, another complication arises. Ama, the tacky waste-product of digestion, has blended with Shleshaka Kapha in the nasal area, forming a much more toxic, sticky mucus named Shleshma. Shleshma settles in the region and clogs the channels of the nasal passage. Because of this restriction and obstructing, Pitta dosha also becomes uncontrollable.

When all of your three doshas are out of balance, immunity is severely compromised. The body becomes a fertile ground for germs, allergens, or germs. Air pollution, stress, fluctuations of cold and hot weather, and lifestyle patterns like eating excessive amounts of cold, sweet, heavy meals, staying up too late, or not getting enough exercise may aggravate the imbalance.

Types of sinusitis

There are four types sinusitis depending on the duration and location of the sinus issues:

Sinusitis can be:

Acute (going on less than four weeks) – Acute sinusitis is quite common.

Sub severe (4–8 weeks) or

Chronic (going on for two weeks or longer )

Sinus type based on the location  of the sinus cavity which it impacts:

– Frontal – may cause pain or pressure in the frontal sinus cavity (found above eyes), aggravation

– Maxillary- may cause pain or pressure in the maxillary (cheek) region (e.g., toothache, headache)

– Ethmoid – may cause pain or pressure pain between/behind the eyes and headaches

– Sphenoid – may cause pain or pressure behind the eyes, but frequently refers to the vertex or top of the brain )

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Conditions that can cause sinus infection

Conditions that can cause sinus congestion include the following factors:

– Allergic rhinitis, which can be edema of the nasal mucosa

– Small growths from the nasal mucosa called nasal polyps.

– A curved septum, which is an alteration in the nasal cavity

– Blocked drainage channels

– Swelling in the nose like a common cold

– Structural differences that narrow these stations

– The immune system openings or medications that suppress the immune system

In children, factors that can cause sinusitis include:

– Environmental smoke & toxins

– Allergies

– Illnesses with other kids in school

Ayurveda’s view of sinusitis

The Pathway of Prana: Modern medicine views the respiratory system to consist of the organs involved in breathing. These include the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. According to Ayurveda, energies and substances move through the entire body via different stations –both physical and energetic–called srotamsi. The respiratory tract is part of one channel, called prana vaha srotas (the channel that receives prana). This channel is remarkably similar to the “respiratory system” of modern medicine, but its significance and functions are much more expansive. As an example, prana vaha srotas comprises the heart and is also intimately linked to the digestive tract.

Prana Pathway Functions: The most crucial function of prana vaha srotas would be to circulate prana through the body. It’s the river that nourishes every cell and tissue together with the life-giving forces of prana, oxygen, and energy. This manner, the lungs are very literally breathing for every cell throughout the body.

The purposes of prana vaha srotas also include the following:

– Transformation of food into energy, energy, and consciousness

– Communication with the higher self

– Thinking

– Respiration

– Emotional capacity

Prana Pathway Significance

In Ayurveda, every one of the principal stations in the body has a root (Mula), a route through the body (marga), and an opening (Mukha)–each of which is meaningful to the process of restoring equilibrium in a specific channel. The origin can hint at more subtle intricacies and interconnections within the channel system, while the opening is frequently used as an essential access point for recovery.

Prana vaha srotas is rooted in the heart as well as the digestive tract. Its path through the body is through the respiratory tract. Its opening is the nose and the nostrils. This takes it through the nasal passages, throat, trachea, bronchial tree, and the alveoli of the lungs. That is why the nostrils, heart, and digestive tract are very important.

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Ayurvedic treatment of sinus Infection

Treatment of Sinus Infection with Ayurveda

Called Pinas in Ayurveda, sinusitis is a condition where the nasal passage is blocked with mucus and become inflamed. Sinusitis may attack individuals of any sex and age. Children suffering from cold and other viral infections are more likely to sinusitis and are asthma patients.

Higher intake of fatty, fatty, hot, or extremely hot or cold foods, heavy, indigestible, and incompatible foods can cause impairment of all three doshas. Impaired Kapha (Water) accumulates in the nasal passage, thus blocking the flow of Vata (Air). An impaired Pitta (Fire) causes swelling and irritation of the tissues of the nasal passage. Other factors responsible for this illness are suppressing natural urges of nausea and tears, exposure to cold or dusty and dry weather, staying awake until late in the night, and sleeping in the daytime.

Acute sinusitis: Treatment for acute sinusitis focuses on balancing aggravated dosha and cleansing the nasal passage. Nasya therapy is extremely beneficial in relieving most of the symptoms. Steam inhalation is suggested to strengthen the pranavaha srotas.

Chronic sinusitis: For chronic sinusitis, treatment is done in order to boost immunity, cleanse ama, and balance metabolism with Panchakarma therapies. The Pranavahasrotais also cleaned and strengthened with the support of herbal medicines. Good results can be achieved with a proper diet, lifestyle, and Panchakarma therapies.

Diet recommendations:

– Prevent Kaphakara aharas (Snaha, Sheeta, chickpeas, and kledayukta) like ice cream, cottage cheese, milk, banana, oily, fried, foods.

– Avoid fruits, particularly at night, when you suffer from sinusitis.

– Avoid drinking too much water, drink just warm water when you feel hungry.

– Food ought to be treated with turmeric, ginger, and pepper.

Lifestyle changes:

– Avoid applying head oil and bath program.

– Avoid daytime sleep, suppressing natural insistence.

– Don’t expose yourself straight to Air-condition, enthusiast, or sitting near a window when traveling in an open car.

– Steam inhalation twice per day, with camphor or a few drops of eucalyptus oil.

– A hot compress on the affected area offers relief from pain and heaviness.

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Sinusitis risk factors & prevention

Ayurvedic science provides the most comprehensive and organic approach to sinusitis in terms of identifying the causes and in providing treatment. Weak digestion, toxins accumulation, and the reduction of the body’s natural balancing and self-repair mechanisms contribute too many chronic conditions, such as allergies, asthma, and sinusitis.

Besides irritating the linings of airways, radicals frequently trigger an inflammatory reaction to foreign bodies. This inflammation can harm the epithelial lining of the airways, creating allergic and hypersensitive responses in the anatomy.

An ayurvedic sinusitis treatment program is intended to eliminate deeply imbedded toxins, and enhance digestion and metabolism, thus eliminating the reason behind future metabolic toxins. Healthy digestion allows for the formation of pure nutritional plasma, which could nourish the lung and airway tissues and improve the body’s natural purification mechanisms. The conventional detox remedies used in Ayurveda are also highly effective in eliminating environmental toxins. Research has shown that these remedies eliminate a class of compounds that no additional detox modality may remove.

Risk Factors of Sinusitis

The close proximity of the brain and the sinuses creates the most dangerous complication of sinusitis, especially involving the frontal and sphenoid sinuses, infection of the brain from the intrusion of anaerobic bacteria. Meningitis, abscesses, and other life-threatening conditions may result. In other extreme cases, the patient may experience visual problems, headache, mild personality changes, altered consciousness, and, eventually, seizures, coma, and possibly death.

Diagnosis & Tests for Sinusitis: X-ray of Para nasal sinuses, Complete blood count

Prevention– Seasonal Nasya therapy, according to Ayurveda, is a boon for humanity to protect the most crucial part of human anatomy (head) from any ailments.


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