
Aloe vera nutrition facts and health benefits

Aloe vera has been used for ages to heal burns and cuts. Health benefits are for digestion

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How This Helps

Aloe vera is a popular medicinal plant that’s been used for centuries. It is famous for treating skin injuries, but also has other beneficial effects on health. Aloe vera plant has thick foliage using a gel-like substance. It offers cooling and soothing effect when applied to the skin. It’s used to treat skin wounds and burns. It’s been used for centuries because of its healing properties. Apart from skin benefits, it is helpful to strengthen hair and keeps a healthy scalp. Rub Aloe vera into the scalp in addition to hair to condition and improve damaged and dry hair. It helps to reduce glucose levels, eliminates ulcers, cure nausea, reduces oxidative stress, prevents diabetes, inhibits cancerous growth, promotes hair growth, and lactic acid reflux symptoms. It enhances cardiovascular functions, lower cholesterol, triglycerides, cure gum diseases, improve lifespan, and relieves muscle and joint pain.
Cancer Care:
Aloe vera contains many compounds that arrest the growth of cancerous cells and prevent tumor formation. The polysaccharides in aloe vera have effective macrophages that release huge amounts of nitric oxide, which has anti-cancer properties. Aloe vera gel also helps in soothing the burns and wounds that arise due to radiotherapy treatments.
Aloe vera has been used since ancient times for topical application and treatment of burns, cuts, stings, rash and any other skin infection. The vitamin E present in aloe vera helps in diminishing the harmful effects of UV rays like sunburns, pimples, blisters, and even wrinkles. In several cases, it has been noted that applying the aloe vera gel on even third-degree burns, helps in faster healing of the wounds and restores the skin faster.
Bones, Joints, and Muscles:
The anti-inflammatory property of aloe vera helps in reducing many inflammatory conditions like arthritis and even decreases the joint and muscular pain. A topical application of the aloe vera gel reduces swelling and redness around the affected area and eases the pain.


Useful in:
Digestion | Boosts Immune system | Cancer | Skin | Hair | Arthritis | Bone and Muscles | Heals wounds | Women health | Nausea | Diabetes II | Acid Reflux | Anti-aging | 

Aloe vera nutrition & health benefits

1. Bioactive compounds

Aloe vera contains 75 possibly active constituents: vitamins, minerals, sugars, lignin, enzymes, saponins, salicylic acids, and amino acids. Aloe vera is a short-stemmed plant that stores water in its leaves. It is widely utilized in the cosmetic, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Though similar in appearance to cacti, aloe vera isn’t a cactus but a succulent and also a member of the lily family. Aloe plants are more closely associated with tulips and asparagus compared to cacti. Aloe vera has thick, pointed, and fleshy green leaves, which may grow to approximately 12-19 inches in length. Each leaf is filled with a slimy tissue that stores water, making the leaves thick. This slimy, water-filled mass would be the “gel” we associate with Aloe vera products.

The gel contains the majority of the bioactive compounds in the plant, such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. Aloe Vera is a popular medicinal plant that’s used in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. Its leaves contain a gel-like substance which has numerous beneficial compounds.

Nutrition Facts
For a Serving Size of 1 serving (100g)
Calories 2 Calories from Fat 0 (0%)
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 0g
Sodium 0mg 0%
Carbohydrates 1g
Net carbs 1g
Sugar 0g
Fiber 0g 0%
Protein 0g
Vitamins and minerals
Calcium 10mg 1%
Fatty acids

Amino acids

source: 100% Organic Aloe Vera Leaves, Trader Joe’s

2. Antioxidant properties

Antioxidants are essential for health. Aloe Vera gel includes powerful antioxidants, which belong to a large family of compounds called polyphenols. These polyphenols, together with many other substances in Aloe vera, can help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that can cause diseases in people. Aloe Vera comprises various powerful antioxidant chemicals. Some of the compounds can help inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.

3. Heals burns faster

Aloe Oil is most commonly used as a topical medicine, rubbed onto the skin rather than consumed. It has been used as nausea and burns remedy through the ages. The FDA approved aloe vera ointment as an OTC medicine for skin burns in 1959. Studies also suggest it is an effective treatment for burns. A review of four studies found that Aloe vera could decrease the recovery time of burns by approximately nine days compared to traditional medication. Applying Aloe vera to burn wounds seems to hasten the healing process.

4.  Prevent gastrointestinal issues

Aloe vera has adaptogenic properties that are helpful in keeping digestive health. It helps promote better absorption of nutrients and eradicates toxic components through smooth excretion. The healthy digestive process supports general health and affects activities in addition to thoughts. Aloe vera contains polysaccharides that help to heal ulcers and digestive issues. Ulcers are the prominent consequence of the digestive problems that could be cured by means of the plant extract. The studies show it is able to heal peptic ulcers, Crohn’s disease, and other digestive tract problems.

5. Strengthen the immune system

The beverages prepared from Aloe vera juice comprise detoxifying properties, which helps cleanse the circulatory system and digestive tract. After the absorption amount of nutrients increases, it results in better circulation of blood and enhances health. When the blood is full of oxygen, it transports nutrients to cells economically. The nutritious cells promote the capacity of the body to counteract infections by strengthening the immune system. It’s able to neutralize harmful bacteria. The rejuvenating properties keep the body active and fresh. The studies demonstrate immunomodulatory and antitumor actions because of aloe vera polysaccharides.

6. Treat nausea

Nausea occurs due to the ingestion of contaminated food because of chemotherapy treatments and having a virus or flu. Nausea might also happen because of ailments in the stomach or digestive tract. The juice prepared from Aloe vera is useful for ailing stomach and makes feel better by providing calm feeling in the body that indirectly aids in alleviating the feelings of nausea.

7. Reduces
dental decay

Tooth decay and gum diseases are prevalent health issues. One of the best ways to keep this from occurring is to decrease the buildup of plaque (bacterial biofilms) on the teeth. In a mouth wash study of 300 healthy individuals, 100% pure Aloe vera juice was compared to chlorhexidine, standard mouthwash ingredient. After using it for four days, the Aloe vera mouth wash was shown to be as effective as the mouthwash in reducing dental plaque. When used as a mouth wash, pure Aloe vera juice is just as capable of reducing dental plaque buildup as regular mouthwash.

8. Helps to treat canker sores

Many Individuals have experienced mouth ulcers, or canker sores, at some time in their lives. They usually form underneath the lip, in the mouth, and continue for approximately 7-10 days. Studies have shown that Aloe vera treatment can accelerate the healing of mouth ulcers. A 7-day analysis of 180 people with recurrent mouth ulcers, an Aloe vera patch applied to the region, was successful in reducing the size of the ulcers. However, It didn’t outperform the conventional ulcer therapy, which can be corticosteroids.

In a different study, Aloe vera gel not only hastened the healing of mouth ulcers; in addition, it reduced the pain associated with them.

9. Reduces constipation

Aloe Vera has frequently be used to deal with constipation. The latex that offers the benefits is a tacky yellow residue located just under the skin of the leaf. The key chemical responsible for this result is called aloin which has well-established laxative effects. With safety concerns with regular use, the Aloe latex is not available in the US as an over-the-counter medicine. Aloe Vera latex contains strong laxative effects, which makes it useful to treat constipation. It doesn’t seem to be beneficial for other ailments of the digestive tract.

10. Skin health

There is some preliminary research that topical Aloe vera gel can slow the aging of the skin.

In one study of women over age 45, topical application of the gel has been shown to improve collagen creation and enhance skin elasticity on a 90-day interval. Another study found that Aloe vera decreased erythema or redness of the skin, but was also found to dehydrate skin cells. There is not enough evidence that Aloe vera may treat skin ailments like psoriasis and radiation dermatitis.

11. Lowers blood glucose levels

Aloe Vera has been used sometimes as a conventional diabetes remedy. It is supposed to boost insulin sensitivity and help improve blood glucose levels. Several animal and human studies in diabetics have found promising results from consuming Aloe vera extract. However, the standard of the studies was rather weak, so it’s definitely premature to recommend Aloe vera for this function. There have been some instances of liver damage reported with long-term ingestion of Aloe vera supplements.

12. Hydrates body

Aloe vera plant is full of water that helps to treat in addition to preventing dehydration. Hydration assists in detoxification of the body that offers a method to flush out and purge impurities. It’s loaded with an abundant number of nutrients that updates the body’s organ output. It’s vital because kidneys and liver are responsible for detoxification of the blood and produce urine. 


There are many benefits of adding aloe vera to your diet. Make this superfood a part of your daily routine. Many people like to grow aloe plants at their home garden so they have access to the many healing powers of this plant. It’s low-maintenance, and it grows easily. If you are looking for something ready to go, many products, such as aloe vera juices and supplements, are available in stores and online.


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