About me

I am a certified nutrition health coach passionate about helping people reach their health goals and feel their best! I work with clients in person, by phone, and by Skype/Facetime around the world. We develop a customized approach to help with losing weight, increasing energy, reducing health risks, or just plain getting healthy. The one-size fits all approach does not work, and I love teaching my clients about the importance of clean, healthy eating to nourish their bodies from the inside out! I provide the encouragement, education, and accountability people need to FINALLY accomplish those goals that they were never able to reach before. As a former NCAA college basketball player and state champion tennis player, I am passionate about staying fit and doing activities that you love! I have run over 15 half marathons and continue to push myself physically. However, I have found that how you fuel your body has a much bigger impact on weight management. Jill obtained her Bachelors of Science in Biology from the University of Mary Washington. She is certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition as a Nutrition and Health Coach. She is currently pursuing her certification to become a Registered Diet Therapy. Additional coursework/certifications include: Sports Nutrition and Supplements for Physical Activity University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine: Anti-Inflammatory Diet Certification Breast Cancer - An Integrative Approach Certification

Health Concerns

Weight Loss, Weight Problems



Profile Details
  • Experience: 5 Years
  • Language : English