About me

Dr. Kim Gowetor? Dr. Kim Gowetor Naturopath CalgaryI am really just a person…like anybody else…that chose to have my own business working as a naturopathic doctor. I happen to like to write and sometimes share what I've written, and enjoy activities that get me outside and moving. When I'm not in the office you can find me learning, exploring, exercising, experimenting in the kitchen, chilling with my kitty, or spending time with family and friends. I LOVE to explore, learn, and exercise. These 3 things (and a hot shower in the morning) are like my coffee, I need them to stay refreshed and energetic. People often ask me why I chose Naturopathic Medicine and my quick answer is "well, it chose me-. I absolutely never saw it coming but kidding aside, it encompasses all of the aspects of health and healing that I learned along my own journey to "get better-. This journey felt like it started when I turned 20 and began having "out of the blue- panic attacks but in retrospect it started much earlier. Prior to the panic attacks, I was more or less care free. I didn't worry about the future or try to make plans. I didn't have any expectations. I figured everything would just work itself out because that was what was "supposed- to happen, right?! I can't say I was overly happy or healthy but I was "blissfully- unaware. The panic attacks however rattled my core. They woke me up in a way that I could no longer ignore and I became acutely aware that some things needed to change. Growing up I learned to suppress my emotions, voice, heart, and spirit in order to try to "fit- in this world. My mental and physical health suffered because of this and over time starting showing the signs of stress that they were under, slowly becoming more problematic in my life. I experienced mental health issues like depression, low self-worth, and lack of motivation; which eventually became panic attacks, anxiety, and agoraphobia. I experienced physical health issues like low energy, frequent illnesses, painful joints, and arthritis; which eventually became digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, and repeated burnout. Once awakened by my panic attacks I spent years investigating how to "get better- but after hitting the metaphorical wall of burnout time and time again AND never fully getting where I wanted to be in my health or my life, I finally gave up. I stopped trying to be "strong- and suffer through everything. I stopped forcing myself to accomplish, and I stopped trying to control all the outcomes and "have it all together-. It was exhausting! and it wasn't fulfilling my needs anyway. I finally understood that despite all the ways I had learned to take care of myself and all the self-healing work I had already done, I had been learning to control outcomes. I had been seeking a key that would magically change everything back to some semblance of the way it was and provide me with validation for my experience BUT the reality: I was forever changed and nobody seemed to be able to validate my experience. What I actually needed was very simple…complete acceptance and total self-love. Why? Because with complete acceptance and total self-love, you let go! And in this space that is created by letting go you are able to ALLOW in whatever is needed. It is no longer a struggle or a matter of force. It is no longer managing symptoms and following strict regimes or protocols. There are no rules to follow except the ones you desire for yourself; it is simply a matter of whatever you NEED you put first, always! No question. I didn't need anyone or anything to validate me or my experience EXCEPT me. I could just choose to be whole and healthy without anything to prove that I deserved to be that way. I deserved it simply because I AM. My journey has been one of fear and loneliness, transformed into surrender and love. I now cherish this opportunity I have been given to be an aid to helping people reconnect with the parts of themselves they may have safely packed away and forgotten about in an effort to fit in, in this world. Living like I did was costing me my health but it really doesn't have to be like that. You truly deserve to have the life your heart really wants to be living but when you've spent years covering this up it can be challenging to re-connect with that knowing. My goal is to support, encourage, and guide you to uncovering that place inside that intuitively knows and help you regain your power in the world. It is my passion to inspire you to see that there is so much more to the picture than just managing symptoms and when you can let that go, you get freedom of choice. People are amazing and have amazing qualities. I have yet to meet someone that doesn't have the ability to transform and be all they would like to be (and more). I am fortunate to have supports in place that helped me realize that I could do so much more than I had ever thought possible; you deserve a source like that too, something that will lift you up to see the possibilities and lead to the uncovering of your hidden strengths and talents. I want you to know that this is totally possible no matter what your story…and we ALL have a story! I love to work with patients that are looking for a deeper approach with their health. They have often tried other options and felt like the bigger picture was not being seen.


Sherwood Park #14 - 41 Broadway Blvd, Suite 102, Sherwood

Health Concerns

Allergies, Anxiety Disorders, Arthritis, Bronchial Asthma, Chronic Pain, Depression, Infertility, Insomnia, Menopause, Skin Diseases, Stress, Women's Health and Pregnancy


Naturopathic Medicine

Profile Details
  • Experience: 5 Years
  • Language : English