About me

Judy is a board certified Advanced Holistic Nurse (AHN), a Health and Wellness Nurse Coach (HWNC) and a Senior Trager practitioner in private practice since 2000. In all, she has over 30 years of caring for others.

She values and models self care IS health care, and  empowers others to prevent both illness and facility admissions. Changing the healthcare system begins with each of us.    Her approach involves the body, the mind, and our integration with nature.

She engages her clients in finding movement and setting goals that works for them. She helps them reduce their reliance on medications and encourages them to rely more on nutrition to heal and support the body.

Her intention is to create a more peaceful world, relieve pain and reduce tension, correct postural patterns, provide support, and serve as a role model for healing our own bodies.


Columbus, Ohio, United States

Health Concerns

Mental Health, Anxiety Disorders


Holistic Medicine

Profile Details
  • Experience: 20 Years
  • Language : English